Chapter 1

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Izuku: No, Kacchan stop, please!

These were the pleas and cries of one young Izuku Yagi. He was being held down by his sister Izumi Yagi, and his friends Katsumi Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, and Shoka Todoroki. 

Katsuki: Shut it you quirkless nerd!

The one kicking izuku's ass was Katsuki Bakugou, the older one of the Bakugou twins. He was about to hit Izuku with another explosion but instead of taking it, Izuku was able to free one of his hands which he used to punch Shoka in the face, making her release his left leg and arm before twisting slightly and kicking Izumi in the face. When Izumi released him he quickly rolled out of the way of the explosion and started sprinting away. When rolling, instead of hitting Izuku, Katsuki hit Shoto on the top left side of his face, burning the area around his eye, and causing him to scream and tumble to the floor holding his face.

Katsuki: Shit! Get back here you damn nerd!

Despite his age, Katsuki's vocabulary for curse words was extensive. The group somewhat recollected themselves with Shoka staying behind with her brother as Katsumi, Izumi, and Katsuki chased after Izuku who had run into the woods for his protection. While running, Izumi threw rocks at Izuku using her quirk as they ran, not caring what size they were when she threw them. Some of them bore through the bark of the trees they hit.

Izumi: Get back here you useless Deku!

Izumi threw another medium-sized rock at Izuku, hitting the right side of his body, ripping up the skin and flesh, and exposing a rib or two.

Izuku: AH!

Izuku put his hand over his bleeding side as he ran, the blood oozing out slowly, despite the late wound. As Izumi threw another rock, Katsumi popped off an explosion, sending it off course and into a medium-sized tree, destroying it just enough to make it start falling in front of the tormentors. Izumi and Katsumi skidded to a halt, but Katsuki continued to explode forward.

Katsuki: We can make it!

Katsuki popped another, larger explosion, blasting himself forward in hopes of getting past the falling tree, but unfortunately for him, the tree hit the ground before he got across, and he was far too close to think of slowing down and flew head first into the tree, his head splitting open.

Katsumi: Katsuki!

Izumi and Katsumi ran forward quickly, flipping Katsuki over quickly to show his face was slightly dented inward, blood pouring from the wound. Izuku kept running, even after noticing that he wasn't being chased anymore.

Izuku: (Have to get out of here! Have to get out of here-!)

Izuku tripped over a tree trunk and started to tumble down a small hill, his clothes got torn up as he rolled into a little cave and a small pool of water. Izuku struggled to get his bearings but eventually did so, swimming toward the surface and gasping for air while quickly swimming to shore, his side burning from the intense pain.

Izuku: W-Where am I..?

Looking around, Izuku noticed small pools of water around him, boxes were strewn about, and a large doorway in front of him. Without any other choice, Izuku walked out of the water and started walking toward the large door, shivering as the cold air hit his body. Once inside the other room, he saw something he never expected. On the inside was a giant metal body, it was huge, it was like the titans from old Mythology books he's read or heard about. It was leaning against a wall, missing its left arm and covered in scorch marks, the front open slightly, hanging from old rotten hinges. Walking closer, Izuku examined the inside with the little light there was, but it was empty. With how the hatch bent inwards, Izuku could assume that whatever happened, happened on purpose and because of something else forcing itself inside. Izuku didn't want to meet what caused this damage, so he quickly waddled away into another room to his right, leaving the titan alone.

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