Chapter 8: USJ Incident

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Izuku stood on the steps to the USJ next to 13, Midnight, and Mirko.

13: Hello Class 1-A! I'm Space Hero: 13 and welcome to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, or USJ for short. We will be training for different situations that you'll see during your careers as pro heroes, and work on your rescue skills. Will the Class President and Vice President join me here, please?

Izuku: Oh yeah, I forgot you guys were supposed to pick a Class President and VP today before lunch.

Iida and Momo walked up next to 13.

13: I'll need you two to keep the others in check today. All of you will learn to use your quirk to protect and save human lives.

13 noticed Ochako being giddy in the crowd, her eyes practically shining.

13: I take it you're a fan?

Ochako: You bet I am!

Ochako yelled, jumping up and down while Jirou held her right ear.

Jirou: Just one little jab, that's all I need.

Mina: Now, now, calm down Jirou. I'm sure she didn't mean it.

Mina held Jirou back with one arm while holding her jacks with the other, smiling while Jirou was scowling.

Ochako: I've been a fan since I was a little girl!

13: Well I'm happy to meet a fan. I'll give you an autograph after our training session today. For now, let's focus on what we have to do first. Come on, follow me inside.

13 led the group into the USJ, Mineta, and Kaminari hanging back to stare at everyone's butts, especially Mina's, Ochako's, Midnight's, and Mirko's. Unfortunately for the two of them, Mirko spotted them staring and knocked them both upside the head, and rightly so. By the time they had gotten inside, everyone was already staring at the center plaza, a large purple vortex having been opened up, people pouring out of it, one of them being a large deformed "bird".

Mirko: The Hell is going on? Is this part of the training exercise?

13: No, no it's not. Get everybody out of here.

Izuku: Mei, get BT ready for launch, there might be a situation at the USJ, and get Canopy ready to fire some artillery shells, we'll probably need it.

Hatumse didn't respond and Izuku could only hear static.

Izuku: What the? Hey, my comms are jammed.

Kaminari: Mine are too.

Kirishima: I don't like this.

Katsumi: Whatever, we can handle these villains!

Izuku: It'd be better for us to avoid them. Iida, you're the only one of us who can run the fastest. Run back to UA, warn everybody there, and have them launch BT, Aizawa's Atlas, Midnight's Atlas, and Mirko's Scorch.

Iida: But what about the rest of you? I can't just leave you here.

Izuku: Iida, if you don't run out that door right now, then we will all be stuck here for who knows how long. Now go!

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