Chapter 6

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Mirko: Hgn...

Mirko stirred awake, her legs and arms aching and freezing. It was nighttime already and she was still on top of BT, alone. She looked all around her, not finding Izuku anywhere before jumping off of BT's chassis onto the platform below.

Mirko: Hey, BT! Where's Yagi?

BT: Izuku is sitting on a crate at the entrance of the workshop. However, he prefers to be alone at this moment.

BT pointed to the right at a pile of crates, Izuku's leg hanging off the side while the rest of his body was hidden.

Mirko: Well I don't care if he wants to be alone, he needs to be supervised 24/7!

Mirko leaped from the platform before BT could grab her and sprinted toward Izuku, reaching him in 10 seconds flat. She jumped onto the crate and expected him to be awake but she found him asleep, his phone sitting next to his head, with Kendo attempting to call him.

Mirko: Who's this?

Mirko tilted her head and picked up Izuku's phone reading the contact name.

Mirko: "Itsuka Kendo". Hm...

Mirko answered before putting it to her ear.

Kendo: Izuku, thank God! I was starting to get worried. You haven't been visiting lately and(This is pro hero Mirko you are speaking to. What is your relation to this boy?)

Kendo stayed silent momentarily, gulping on the other side of the line before speaking, stuttering heavily.

Kendo: M-M-My name I-Is Itsuka Kendo.

Mirko: You cold or something? Speak up!

Kendo: R-Right! My name Is Itsuka Kendo, and I'm Izuku's friend!

Mirko: Mhm... Well, your friend has been taken into custody for illegally owning a Titan, resisting arrest, attacking and killing police officers and pro-heroes, vigilantism, and stealing the property of UA.

Kendo was silent.

Mirko: Members of UA staff will also be dispatched to your dojo, do not try to hide.

Kendo: Dojo? What are you talking about, ma'am?

Kendo was laughing nervously, no doubt sweating bullets.

Mirko: Don't try to act stupid, I'm a regular to that dojo and have seen you there numerous times!

Kendo:... Damnit.

Mirko: Yeah, damnit indeed. You better pack your bags because from now on you'll live at UA and be watched day and night by a member of UA staff. Have a nice day.

Mirko added a bit of snark in her last sentence along with an evil smirk before hanging up. She tossed Izuku's phone down next to him and kicked his thigh.

Mirko: Hey, wake up.

She kicked him again.

Mirko: Wake up. I want to train and I unfortunately have to bring you with me.

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