Chapter thirty-five

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Song for the chapter: A great big world ft. Christina Aguilera-Say something


Alice's POV

Two days has passed since Liv is unconscious, today being it the third one and it drained us all one by one.

Louis is frantic, checking up on her every two minutes and I think that he's concerned about her well being having forgotten about the grunge he held against her. When I asked, he told me to fuck off, then I smiled because I knew I was right.

Niall was taking care of Zayn, bringing him some food which he refused to eat, and hasn't moved from the spot at the intensive care window all the time watching her. He snapped at any of us when we tried to make him go rest. The reason he's pissed might be because the doctor won't let us inside the room, in turn nearly getting a beating from Zayn. Liam is the only one who can talk with him without him being irate.

Even Harry isn't his cheeky self anymore slumping his shoulders on that corner where he is sitting not saying a word. Niall gave up from trying to make Zayn eat and currently is nervously picking on his nails pacing up and down the hall.

This is our routine now. Besides that we all go home to take a change of clothes or eat something maybe sleep a few hours. Not Zayn though. The doctor hasn't told us anything specific only that we have to wait it out. But it's not easy, we're all on edge here.

When I see the doctor I walk to him. I need some assurance that she will be okay and not just some half assed explanation. He is just wanting to walk inside the room to check on Liv I guess.

"Wait.." I prevent him reaching for him but he turned and I put my hand on my chest."Has anything changed?" I question sadly and he shook his head, adjusting his glasses.

"Most of the patients who are unconscious for more than three days don't wake up anymore." he truthfully told me and my lip quivered."So tonight is the most critique one."

Then he walked back inside leaving me disheartened with a sour frown on my face. That wasn't what I wanted to hear, and he could've been more nice about it.

Louis brought me a cup of coffee, he left because he couldn't take it anymore wanting to clear his head. It's very understanding.

"Anything new?" he whispered, I shake my head and he cursed under his breath before taking a seat on the waiting chairs.

I turn too and see them sitting there before the window that allowed us to see her. Zayn looked like a mess with dark bags under his eyes, paler than he has ever been, his hair messy from all the raking of his hands through it and he hasn't stopped smoking and smoking. If it were a real hospital he would get kicked out.

He heard the doctor but remained there like a statue with eyes cast to the floor.

I wanted to go shout at him for being so pathetic when an alarming shrilly beep tone took my attention, my head turning to the noise.

"Oh no." I said nervously when I know what that was, holding more forcefully on my cup."No, no.. please." I whisper blinking and quickly walk in front the window.

When I see the doctor and some nurses rushing to revive her I placing a hand to my heart to try and stop it from racing, jolting back the coffee cup falls from my hand splattering on the floor while I flicker my gaze. It's nauseating and I stay still watching it happen before me until scrambling forward splaying my hands on the glass, panting heavily my chest raised and fell, eyes wide.

I gasp when I see Zayn has walked inside.

"Fucking do something." he shouted walking next to Liv his gaze raking to her frame dementedly, his voice groggy and deep from yelling.

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