Chapter sixteen

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Songs for the chapter:
Sia-Elastic Heart.


"Wh-What?" I choke out, my limbs have frozen, I couldn't move. The feeling that I had now would be one imprinted for a lifetime, I will always remember how my heart wanted to give out when he said that.

All he does is to chuckle amused.

"I won't tell you again, bambi." he replied quite smug and I gulp.

"But.." He doesn't really want me to like... get naked? I am very surprised, scared and try not to cry out from fear. He enjoys it.. that I am shaking with nerves. He isn't even trying to hide his sick smirk.

"In your undergarments now Olivia." he lowly says, while shamelessly glancing down my body. Then he ventures his way to a sofa chair that is in the middle of the room. I gape at his back, jaw dropped and stunned that he's being so obtuse.

"Zayn- " I begin not believing him once he sits down but he cuts me off.

"Or should I?" he rasps peering up to me warning me with his look, wanting to stand up again.

"No." I shout quickly panicked, while waving my hands frantically. "But I.." I say at the verge of crying, my hands coming up to my hair and temple in pure and raw fear that is prickling my skin in a nauseous sizzling heat. When he raises his eyebrows daring me to say something I look down my feet then back at him. "I can't.. I don't.. and you don't understand.." I ramble shyly and with a weak voice, because he really doesn't.

"I do. But see this is art and either way I wasn't asking." he sternly said and clenched his jaw.

What I'd do to feel strong enough to go against him.

"Can't I.. " I again try to have him snap a, "No." in return.

Knowing that I can't do anything he smirks and leans back to the seat to enjoy the show I'm about to pull. With shaking hands I grab the end of my sweater and after minutes of contemplating what the odds were to not do it I decide it's best to listen because I didn't want to land in the basement again. He was patiently waiting for me as I put it over my head while exhaling shakily watching down to my bare skin. A gust of the cold air around the dark room leaves chills on my skin once the material left my body.

Then I am trying to unbutton my jeans with furiously shaking and sweaty hands while he is shamelessly looking at me.

"Do it slowly." he whispers then gives me a cheeky smile when my head snaps up to throw a glare at him but obey.

While all the time looking at him I push my jeans down and am standing only in my grey bra and pink panties under his longing stare. He has started to smoke a joint while he is easing off further the sofa chair, leaning on his hand, elbow on the armrest. Stare hooded as he is exhaling smoke, as ever he looked quite attractive smoking but that wasn't on my mind for much time since I'm half naked and a few feet from him. There's nothing happening for me to get alarmed or be scared yet, but I think he gazed at me lustfully, still he doesn't do anything else only look at me.

"Go sit on the window's bench." he huskily demands then bites on his bottom lip. I do as I'm told even if my subconscious tells me to run for the hills.

Minutes pass like that, he has finished his joint by now at the verge of sleep, taking deep breaths and not once did we look away as I am trying to hide myself with my crossed arms and hair. Then he stands up walking to me, I try not to, but I shrink away, my body trembling with every step he takes towards me until he is in front of me and touching my chin, I begin to weep, I was surprised I managed to go so much without crying.

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