The Night of the Werefox

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Werefox Kiriko x Human Hana, Requested by laabsmir

Story Description:
Hana and Kiriko are dating, and Kiriko didn't tell Hana about her being a werefox. When the full moon comes, Kiriko tries to hide her fox form from her girlfriend.


It was a nice sunny day here in Kanezaka, Japan. There was a gentle summer breeze flowing through the air. D.Va managed to take a week off and decided to spend her free time with Kiriko in Kanezaka.

They never got to do things together very often. D.Va was always busy with MEKA, dealing with the constant attacks in Busan. Meanwhile, Kiriko had been dealing with the threat of the Hashimoto. They needed a break and they both know it.

When D.Va arrived in Kanezaka, she and Kiriko had planned that they would go on a camping trip. Just the two of them alone, away from everyone and everything, spending quality time together.

"Hana I think I got everything we need packed," Kiriko shouted to D.Va from down the hallway. D.Va was excited about this camping trip, but she wasn't used to being away from the city life. "I'm excited and nervous at the same time Kiri." Kiriko walked down the hallway with their bags. She smiles softly at D.Va, "Don't worry Hana, it will be a fun experience!"

Outside of Kanezaka, it was surrounded by a large vast forest. Kiriko knew that forest in the back of her mind like it was second nature to her. Kiriko told D.Va stories that while growing up, her grandmother had taken her out to the forest. They would often do meditation training together.

"You'll be safe with me I know the area pretty well," Kiriko gives D.Va reassurance. D.Va returns with a soft smile as she grabs her bag. Kiriko holds out her hand towards D.Va, "You ready, Koibito?" D.Va smiles and takes her hand promptly, "Yes, Nae sarang."

As the couple departed Kanezaka, they entered the forest. Kiriko and D.Va were walking together along the trail, hand in hand.

D.Va looks around at the scenery, her eyes widening with astonishment. "Wow Kiri, it's so beautiful out here!" Kiriko chuckles softly, "The scenery is pretty great out here, and quite peaceful too." D.Va sighs and leans her head against Kiriko's shoulder, "I needed this Kiri, I'm so happy we planned this." Kiriko wraps her arm around D.Va's waist and kisses the top of her head.

After moments of walking and enjoying the scenery, Kiriko finds a nice shaded spot alongside a small lake. "This will be the perfect spot to set up our tent!" Kiriko says cheerfully as she begins setting up their tent. D.Va walks over toward the lake, looking over the vast open waters. She couldn't get over how beautiful it was.

Later that night, Kiriko and D.Va were cuddled up side by side along the campfire, roasting marshmallows for s'mores.

"Hey, we should tell scary stories!" D.Va suggested. Kiriko smirks at D.Va, "Okay, you have one in mind Hana?" D.Va giggles and quickly grabs a flashlight from their tent. She points it under her face to set the mood. Kiriko chuckles in amusement and shakes her head.

"This is a story you should know Kiri," D.Va smirks. Kiriko tilts her head with confusion. "It's an urban legend about the Kitsune!" D.Va says blatantly.

D.Va begins to tell her story about how there is an urban legend all across Asia about the 'Werefox'. Some people would often mistake the Werefox as being the Kitsune. Just like a Werewolf, it had to be a full moon to transform into the Werefox.

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