The Legend of the Shin-Ryeong

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Witch Kiriko x Shin-Ryeong D.Va, Requested by JustKaito_

Story Description:
Kiriko knew of the existence of a Shin-Ryeong Legend, so Kiriko looks for her. When Kiriko finally finds her, she ends up falling in love with her. On the other hand, D.Va is not going to be persuaded by Kiriko's east charms, but one way or another she ends up falling in love too.

Kiriko had heard many stories from the legend of the Shin-Ryeong. It was a malevolent fox-like spirit that resided in the mountains in South Korea. Kiriko heard you can obtain its power, and she craved it so desperately bad. She would do anything to summon this spirit.

During the day Kiriko walks the streets of Busan, asking the locals where exactly was the location of the Shin-Ryeong, but some were too afraid to even talk about the legend or even say its name.

Then one elderly woman walks up to Kiriko, "I can give you information, but let's go inside and talk in private," she says quietly. Kiriko follows the woman into her home. The woman offers Kiriko a cup of tea as she sat down, Kiriko politely takes the offer.

"So you want to find this Shin-Ryeong?" The woman asks. Kiriko nods, "I've heard stories of the legend, I want to know if it's true." The woman sighs then takes a sip of her tea, "It's very much true, but I can tell you where it resides."

The woman pulls out a map and marks a location on a mountain, "There is an abandoned shrine on the top of this peak but beware," The woman says worriedly. "It's extremely dangerous to go alone, there been stories that some of them disappeared in the fog."

Kiriko finishes her tea and takes the map. "Thank you," she leaves the woman's home.

Throughout the day, Kiriko makes her journey toward the mountain that was marked on the map by the woman. She arrives at a trail entrance that was blocked. She reads a sign saying, "beware, do not enter."

Kiriko just chuckles to herself, "I'm not afraid of a spirit." She says as she slips past the blocked barricade. She makes her way up to the shrine, the trail was covered with overgrown weeds and tall grass. The trail was almost not even visible.

Nightfall was approaching, and Kiriko finally made her way to the top of the peak. And just the as the women had said, there appeared an abandoned shrine. The shrine looked worn and falling apart due to the weather, and the paint was peeling and fading.

Kiriko started feeling chills running up and down her spine. The hairs on her arms begin to stand up. The atmosphere around her didn't feel right, but she wasn't going to be scared away so easily. Now Kiriko can understand why the locals had blocked off this path.

Kiriko enters the shrine, the paintings were faded and grass had grown through the floorboard. Kiriko then stumbles upon a statue of what appeared to be a figure of the Shin-Ryeong, it was broken into a few pieces. "Did they use to worship this spirit back then?" Kiriko quietly asked herself.

Kiriko kneels in the middle of the shrine. She pulls out her tarot cards and lays them out on the floor, she lights a few candles to set the atmosphere. Kiriko closes her eyes and begins to chant certain phrases. "Shin-Ryeong, I am calling upon you to make your presence known to me," Kiriko calls out.

Suddenly a breeze blows into the room, blowing out the candles. Kiriko freezes and looks around the room. She hears faint whispers right behind her and she quickly looks back but nothing was there. When she turns back around, there stood the Shin-Ryeong.

Kiriko falls back and looks up at the spirit. Its appearance was that of a young beautiful woman with fox-like features, such as pointy ears, claws, and a tail. The spirit stared down at Kiriko with a cold stare. "What are you doing here in my domain?" The spirit asked as it tilts its head.

Kiriko gulps, "I came here in search of you but now that I found you, you are more beautiful than I imagined." The Shin-Ryeong laughs harshly, "How do you know if I'm really a beautiful woman?" The spirit hovers over Kiriko, "I could be disguising my appearance to fool gullible humans like yourself, so I can rip your heart out."

Kiriko chuckles, "Well jokes on you I'm not a human, I'm a witch." The spirit tilts its head. "Besides, if you wanted to rip my heart out you would've killed me already." The spirit scoffs and looks away. "So you are really a woman?" Kiriko asked. The spirit sighs and nods.

Kiriko stands back on her feet and looks around the shrine, "So why is a spirit like yourself alone here?" The spirit watches Kiriko closely. "Many years ago I used to be worshipped here in this shrine as a beautiful goddess, I had many visitors come to pay their respects to me." The spirit looks down, "But then I was cursed and became known as the Shin-Ryeong."

Kiriko looks over at her, "So what was your mortal name back then?" The spirit looks up, "Hana.." Hana then walks up to Kiriko, "Now answer my question witch, why are you really here?" Kiriko sighs, "I heard of your legend where those who come to seek you can obtain your power." Kiriko looks down, "But I can't get myself to do that to you."

Hana quietly growls, "Why, 'cause you feel sympathy for me?" Kiriko smiles softly and looks at Hana, "Would you like to come back home with me, I can't imagine how lonely it is for you here." Hana glares at Kiriko, "I am attached to this place, I cannot leave." Kiriko sighs, "Well then get attached to me so you can leave."

Hana crosses her arms, "And why would I do that?" Kiriko shrugs, "You don't have to, but I still see you as a beautiful woman and I don't want to leave you alone here." Hana finally snaps, "I don't need your sympathy witch, now leave!" Kiriko looks at Hana sadly, she begins to walk out of the shrine. "Wait.."

Kiriko stops and turns around. The spirit stood there, her arms crossed. "You really want me to go with you?" Hana questions. Kiriko smiles softly and nods. Kiriko then pulls out a special tarot card, "Can you attach yourself to this card." Hana nods and her physical appearance disappears and attaches her spirit to Kiriko's tarot card. "I can't believe I'm leaving with you." Kiriko hears the spirit whisper to her, Kiriko just smiles softly to herself and leaves the shrine with Hana.

Ever since Kiriko brought back the Shin-Ryeong to her hut back in Japan, the two have grown pretty close over the years that passed. At first, their relationship was a bit rocky, Hana often mocked Kiriko during her work and even threatened to curse her at times.

Kiriko didn't mind it, she knew Hana was an angry spirit who was alone in that shrine for many years. But Kiriko never saw her like that, instead saw her as a lonely spirit who needed someone, and Kiriko was willing to commit herself to Hana.

But as the two grew closer and closer, Kiriko realize how playful of a spirit Hana was. Whenever Kiriko messes up on her potions and it blew up in her face, Hana would fall over laughing before making fun of her. "Sheesh Kiri, aren't you suppose to know how to make potions!" Hana would often tease Kiriko. Kiriko didn't mind it, it made her happy hearing Hana laugh.

One night Kiriko was doing her studies when Hana appeared. Suddenly Kiriko felt the spirit hug her from behind. "Hana?" Kiriko asked. Hana just smiled softly, "Can we just stay like this for a while?" Kiriko smiles and continues her studies, "What's gotten into you so suddenly, you never hug me, or at the very least show affection like this to me."

Hana sighs, "You've been good to me since we met, at first I didn't trust you but.." Kiriko raises her eyebrow. "But since the time we've spent together, I will admit I have grown quite attached to you Kiriko." Kiriko smiles softly and leans back into Hana's touch.

"You think you could forgive me?" Hana asked. Kiriko looks back at her confused, "Forgive you for what?" Hana looks down, "For all the times I've been rude to you since you brought me here.." Hana sniffles. Kiriko turns around, pulls Hana into a hug, and holds her closely. "Hana, you don't need to be sorry," Kiriko says softly to her.

Kiriko and Hana lock eyes with each other and stare into each other's gazes. "I never thought I would fall for a witch," Hana giggles. "I never thought I'd fall for a spirit," Kiriko responded.

The two sit quietly, enjoying each other's embrace. "I wouldn't mind spending my eternity with you Kiriko." Kiriko smiles softly, "I would love that so very much Hana."

(Ahhhhhh, sorry this took forever, I tried to research about D.Va's Shin-Ryeong skin so sorry if it sounds off but I hope you like it!!)

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