Surprise Party

160 5 16

Requested by Sabinexoxo

About a couple of weeks ago, D.Va had to return to Busan to help protect her homeland. While D.Va was away, Kiriko knew her birthday was coming up and came up with the idea to throw a surprise party for her when she returned to Watchpoint HQ. Kiriko thought it would be really special if all their friends on the Overwatch team celebrated with D.Va on her special day.

Today was the day, D.Va's birthday, and she would be returning soon.

"You need me to do what?" Genji groaned annoyingly.

"Can you please keep Hana distracted and take her out to the arcade while I put together her party before she gets here?" Kiriko asked.

"You know, Hana gets super competitive, even on those arcade games, right?" Genji crosses his arms. "Every time I play against her, she always wins."

"Please, Shimada..." Kiriko begs, "I need to do this for Hana."

Genji stood there silently for a moment, then finally let out a sigh, "Fine, I'll do it."

Kiriko pulls Genji into a quick tight hug, "Thank you so much, I'll contact you when the party is ready!"

Throughout the day, Kiriko was busy putting up party decorations at Watchpoint HQ, while the others went out to pick up some items that Kiriko needed for the party. Such as D.Va's favorite snacks, a tteok rice cake that was one of D.Va's favorite desserts, and course a special gift Kiriko wanted to get for her... a rabbit. Kiriko knew how much D.Va loved rabbits, so Kiriko thought she would get her a pet rabbit that would keep her company and snuggle with.

Kiriko relaxes back in her chair and takes a break while for the others to return. She suddenly hears the door open, causing her to jump, but when she looks over, it is just Tracer.

"You scared me, Lena," Kiriko sighs as she sits back down.

"Sorry about that, Love!" Tracer giggles. She sets down the rice cake along with other goodies and looks around at the decorations. "Hana is going to love this, Kiriko!" She says excitedly.

"I hope so, I really want to make this special for Hana..." Kiriko looks down worriedly.

"You going to tell Hana how you really feel?" Tracer asks as she places a hand on her hip and leans against the table.

Kiriko pauses for a moment and stares at the floor as her heart begins to pound inside her chest. Ever since D.Va joined Overwatch and met Kiriko, Kiriko began to develop these feelings toward her that she's never felt with anyone before.

"What if she doesn't like me back?" Kiriko looks up at Tracer with a small frown.

"You never know love, she may feel the same way about you," Tracer says as she walks over and places a reassuring hand on Kiriko's shoulder. "But you'll never know until you ask."

Tracer then smiles softly, "Besides, she never stops talking about you when you're not around, that's all she ever talks about."

"Is that how she really feels about me?" Kiriko thought to herself as she felt her face heating up.

Tracer giggles in response to Kiriko blushing, "The others should be getting here shortly, I think it's about time we get this party started!"

Back at the arcade, Genji was getting stomped on by D.Va as she was on a winning streak. Genji has yet to win, not even one game against the pro gamer.

"D.Va: 38 - Genji: 0," D.Va chants out loud in victory. Genji just groaned in response.

Genji feels his phone buzz and checks it.

From: Kiriko
"It's time."

Genji stood up, "What you say, Hana? Ready to head back to Watchpoint?"

Hana stood up and stretched. "Yeah, I won't torment you with my victories anymore," she snickers teasingly.

Genji sighs, "Funny Ha-ha."

As Genji and D.Va arrive back at Watchpoint, D.Va enters first and looks around while squinting her eyes.

"Why is it so dark in here?" D.Va asks as she turns on the light.

"SURPRISE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Everyone shouts as confetti shoots up in the air.

D.Va's eyes widened in both shock and surprise as she covered her mouth, "You guys shouldn't have!"

"It's your birthday Hana, you deserve to have a party," Tracer smiles softly.

"Who planned all this?" D.Va asks curiously.

Everyone looks over at Kiriko with a smirk on all their faces. Kiriko pauses and looks over at D.Va while scratching the back of her head nervously.

"I just wanted to do something special for you, Hana."

D.Va blushes warmly and smiles.

Later that night, Kiriko was cleaning up the mess from the aftermath of the party. Everyone wished D.Va one more happy birthday before returning to their rooms for the remainder of the night.

"Hey, the party was really great, you're the best, Kiri!" D.Va says as she hugs Kiriko from behind.

Kiriko smirks and raises a finger, "I do have one more surprise for you!"

D.Va raises her eyebrow in question.

"But you have to close your eyes... and no peeking!" Kiriko says as she goes to the other room. D.Va giggles and covers her eyes as she is told.

Kiriko returns, "Okay, open your eyes, Hana."

As D.Va opens her eyes, she looks down to see Kiriko holding a rabbit, and she gasps in astonishment.

"Happy Birthday, Hana," Kiriko says softly.

"Ohhh, Kiri, it's so adorable. This is the best gift I have ever received. Thank you so much!" D.Va holds the rabbit gently in her arms.

Kiriko watches and smiles warmly to herself as she watches D.Va snuggles with the rabbit.

"Kiri, can I ask you something?" D.Va pauses and looks up Kiriko.

"Yeah, what's up?" Kiriko cocks her head sideways.

"During the party, you've been acting off around me, and I can see in your body language that you're nervous," D.Va stated. "Is something bothering you?"

Kiriko began to feel a lump form in her throat, and her heart beating hard inside her chest.

"Hana... I have been meaning to ask you something...?" Kiriko spoke quietly. "I like you a lot... I really wanted to throw this party for you because 1) you do deserve it and 2) I was hoping I could win your heart.."

It was now or never.

"Hana Song, will you go out with me?" Kiriko asks nervously as she closes her eyes tightly.

D.Va sets down the rabbit in its cage and walks over to Kiriko, gently grabbing her hand, causing Kiriko to suddenly open her eyes.

"Kiri, you've already won my heart... not because of this party or the gifts... because of just you," D.Va says softly. "You make it so obvious when you're flirting that, honestly, it's really cute."

Kiriko's face turned bright red at D.Va's response.

D.Va looks up and locks eyes with Kiriko's. "Yes Kiri, I would love to be your girlfriend." She wraps her arms around Kiriko's neck and pulls her into a long, gentle kiss.

Kiriko smiles warmly and holds D.Va close to her.

"Happy Birthday, Hana."

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