Sleeping Troubles

173 6 8

Requested by laabsmir

Story Description:
Kiriko has trouble sleeping (the reason why is up to you) and Hana tries to help.

Kiriko and D.Va were laying in bed, it was late at night and Kiriko lays there restlessly. Kiriko glanced over at the clock that sat on her nightstand.

"Ugh, it's 2:37 am.." She groaned quietly to herself.

She looks over at D.Va who was sleeping peacefully next to her. Kiriko smiles softly to herself, D.Va always looked cute when she slept.

"Well no point in laying around when you can't sleep.." Kiriko sighed as she sat up in bed, she quietly slides off the bed, careful not to wake D.Va, and leaves the bedroom.

The next morning, D.Va slowly awoke as the sunlight hit her eyes. She slowly sits up and lets out a big yawn. She glances over at the bed next to her and sees Kiriko was not next to her, her side of the bed had already been nicely made.

"Kiriko?" She says sleepily as she rubs her eyes.

D.Va made her way to the living room and saw that Kiriko was making breakfast in the kitchen.

"Ohayō Hana," Kiriko hollers to her.

D.Va sits down at the dining table, still rubbing her eyes. Kiriko walks over and sets down a plate of breakfast then sits in a chair across from her.

"Sleep well?" Kiriko asks as she kisses D.Va gently on her head.

D.Va smiles softly in response, "Yeah I'm still a little bit sleepy." As D.Va began to eat she looks over at Kiriko and pauses.

"Uh? Did you sleep well?" She asks concerningly.

She notices the dark circles under Kiriko's eyes. Kiriko doesn't respond and eats her breakfast calmly.


Kiriko jumps and shakes her head, "Gomen what?"

D.Va frowns, "Your spacing out, I asked if you slept well too?"

Kiriko lets out a sigh, "I stayed up all night.. so I went and patrolled the streets of Kanezaka for any Hashimoto."

Kiriko stressed a lot when it came to the Hashimoto, and stress is one of the biggest causes of not being able to sleep. Kiriko eventually developed Insomnia, which causes you to have trouble sleeping, staying asleep, or getting good quality. So whenever Kiriko couldn't sleep, she would often patrol the streets of Kanezaka all night and would return back home by dawn.

"Kiri, you can't keep doing this.." D.Va says worriedly.

"I know Hana, but-"

"No buts, you need sleep, you can't function properly without it and it's okay to take breaks every now and then," D.Va says as she interrupts Kiriko.

D.Va was right, and Kiriko couldn't argue with her.

"Today we are gonna relax and your gonna sleep tonight!" D.Va smiled.

Later that night, Kiriko was laying in bed waiting for D.Va. D.Va made sure to make the bed extra comfy tonight. D.Va shortly walks in with a glass of hot tea.

"Drink up!" She says excitedly.

"What is this Hana?" Kiriko asked curiously.

"Homemade herbal sleep remedy, I looked it up online." She says. "It will help, I promise!"

Kiriko had often drunk tea, but it was always the basic sweet tea. Kiriko takes a drink and her eyes widened.

"Wait you made this??" Kiriko asked.

D.Va smirks and nods, Kiriko then guzzles the tea and finishes it in seconds. All D.Va could do was shake her head and laugh in response.

"Alright lay on your stomach," D.Va says as she twirls her finger in a spinning motion. Kiriko looks at her with confusion then does as she's told.

D.Va begins massaging Kiriko's shoulders. Kiriko suddenly felt relaxed and smiled into the massage. D.Va's hands felt soft and tender, and Kiriko enjoyed the special treatment she was receiving from her girlfriend. Kiriko buries her face into her pillow and lets out a sigh of relief.

"Geez Kiri, your shoulders are tight and you got knots everywhere," D.Va says as she firmly rubs out the knots in Kiriko's muscles.

Kirikos muscles suddenly felt more relaxed. D.Va then moves her down along the muscles on Kiriko's back and begins to rub out the knots along her spine.

"This was so needed.." Kiriko mumbles into her pillow.

D.Va giggles and continues to massage her, "Glad I could help."

After a while, D.Va continued to massage her, she suddenly hears Kiriko let out a cute snore. She pauses and leans over and sees Kiriko is out cold, drooling all over her pillow. D.Va smiles softly and kisses Kiriko's cheek.

"Gusnaisgwa dalkomhan kkum kkul," D.Va says softly as she covers up Kiriko with the blanket. She then turns off the lamp and goes to sleep alongside Kiriko.

The next morning Kiriko groans as she wakes up. She glances sleepily at her clock, "1:09 pm." Her eyes widen and she jumps out of bed, she couldn't believe it was already the afternoon. She runs out into the living room and sees D.Va in the kitchen making lunch.

"Nice bedhead," D.Va snickers over at Kiriko.

Kiriko blushes slightly at her comment then shakes her head, "Why didn't you wake me up!?"

D.Va walks over and wraps her arms around Kiriko's neck. She then leans up and places a soft gentle peck against Kiriko's lips.

"Because you needed that sleep," D.Va smiles softly up at Kiriko. "Your dark circles are gone now."

At the sudden realization, Kiriko slept for once and she couldn't believe it. "Wait I did get sleep," Kiriko quietly says to herself. Kiriko lets out a laugh as she picks up D.Va and spins her. "I did sleep!" She yells happily. D.Va happily laughs alongside Kiriko.

"Thank you watashi no ai," Kiriko says softly as she held D.Va close. D.Va smiles and leans into the embrace. "Of course, Kiri."

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