Gaming Night

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So I received two similar requests to do a cute gaming thing with Kiriko and D.Va so I'm just gonna combine the two into one story.

Requested by laabsmir

Story Description:
Hana and Kiriko playing video games together.

Requested by Sabinexoxo

Story Description:
Kiriko visits D.Va and during her time, D.Va teaches Kiriko how to play video games. Where she starts playing COD: Modern Warfare (2019) for the first time. She starts being called out by her teammates on how trash and terrible she's doing. This would make Kiriko very annoyed and down since this was her first time playing video games. D.Va notices the in-game chat being toxic to Kiriko. D.Va decides to show off and tell them off how this was her girlfriend's first time playing and began having an argument with them (defending Kiriko) until she decides to private match with the people that were trash-talking Kiriko. Destroying them all with her expert gaming skills.

Kiriko arrives in Busan, South Korea to visit her girlfriend D.Va for the week. D.Va had been busy dealing with the ongoing attacks in Busan and was stationed at MEKA Base due to mandatory orders from her Captain.

Kiriko arrives at MEKA Base and is greeted excitedly by D.Va at the main entrance. "I'm so happy we finally get to spend some time together!" D.Va says as she tackles Kiriko into a tight hug.

Kiriko and D.Va enters the MEKA Base, it was quiet. "Is it just you here?" Kiriko asked curiously. D.Va was holding Kiriko's hand in hers as she guided Kiriko to her room. "Yeah the MEKA Squad went out to eat after our last victory against the Sull Nector Omnics."

"And you didn't go with them?" Kiriko slightly frowned. D.Va giggles softly, "Well I knew you were coming, I just told them to bring us back some food."

D.Va arrives with Kiriko to her room. Kiriko sets her bag down on D.Va's bed. "So, what did you have planned for us tonight Hana?" D.Va smirks and holds up two controllers, "I'm going to teach you to play video games!" She says excitedly.

Kiriko never really played video games growing up. However, during her childhood, she and Genji had often gone together to the local arcade in Kanezaka. But those were entirely different games than compared to the ones she watched D.Va play.

"I'm a little bit nervous Hana, what if I suck?" Kiriko frowned. D.Va smiles softly, "Not everyone becomes a pro the first time they play, practice makes perfect."

D.Va loads a shooter game on her console, D.Va then guides Kiriko to her gaming chair and hands her the controller. D.Va shows her the basic controls on the controller. "You got that?" D.Va questioned her. Kiriko nods slowly, "I think I'm ready.." D.Va leans in and kisses Kiriko on the cheek, "You got this!"

Kiriko puts on the gaming headset and starts a match. The game mode she picks was called 'Search & Destroy ' something that sounded fun to her at least. "So how does this game mode work again Hana?" Kiriko asks. "So whoever has the bomb must plant it or vice versa you have to defuse it if it gets planted, but be careful, you don't respawn til the next round if you die." D.Va answers.

The first round began and Kiriko's team gets the bomb, as she runs her character to the middle of the map, she gets sniped by the enemy team. "WHAT" Kiriko yells annoyingly. D.Va giggles quietly to herself, "Sorry I forgot to tell you that you can't just run out in the open like that." Kiriko groans annoyingly, "Okay, noted."

As Kiriko continues playing, she continued dying over and over. She either got sniped, meleed from behind, triggered a trip mine, or just getting shot at in general. At the end of the match, Kiriko's score was 0 - 7.

Kiriko lays her head on the desk and lets out a sigh. "Damn I sucked huh?" She mumbled. D.Va rubs her back reassuringly. "Kiri, that was literally your first match, just keep trying and you'll get better," she says softly. Kiriko sits back up and nods, "right, I'm giving up too easily."

As Kiriko continues playing match after match, she certainly did not improve. "B*tch you suck A**, get off the game!" Kiriko overheard the voice chat through the headset. Kiriko slightly frowns but continued playing. D.Va notices the sudden change in Kiriko's attitude. "Hey, what's wrong?" D.Va asks worriedly. Kiriko just shrugs it off, "Oh, nothing just tired of getting sniped at." She laughs nervously.

D.Va raises an eyebrow at her but doesn't question her. As D.Va continued to watch Kiriko play, she notices the in-game chat throwing hateful remarks about Kiriko's gameplay. "Wow, this dumba** really doesn't know how to play." D.Va reads one of the comments. "Yeah, this b*tch really is trash." The comments just kept coming and coming.

D.Va notices the comments affecting Kiriko, her gameplay was even worse than before and can she see that Kiriko was losing her focus on the actual game. "Here Kiriko, let me take over.." D.Va says as she puts on the headset and takes the controller.

Kiriko watches with confusion on her face, she notices an annoyed expression on D.Va's face. "Alright listen up, you a**holes." D.Va speaks into her mic. "First of all, that was my girlfriend's first time playing this game, so show her some respect for trying." D.Va continues, "And second of all, I don't appreciate any of you calling her those horrible names, you have no idea how amazing she is in person." Kiriko blushes at D.Va's comment.

"You probably suck a** to b*tch!" D.Va hears as all the guys in her lobby start laughing. "1v1 me then," D.Va demanded. The lobby suddenly gets quiet. "What, you all are too scared now to play against a girl, afraid I might prove you wrong???"

Suddenly D.Va receives a request from a player. As soon as D.Va joined the invite, "You on B*tch, snipers only." The voice says. D.Va smirks, "You'll regret playing against me."

Kiriko watches D.Va and her 1v1 match. Headshots after headshots, D.Va kept killing the other player, without even dying once.

At the end of the match, the voice comes across the headset, "I'm done playing with you hacker." D.Va laughs teasingly, "I don't need hacks to win against you noob, get out of my lobby!" The player then leaves the lobby and D.Va relaxes back in her chair, letting out a sigh.

D.Va looks over to Kiriko, who had a blush on her face.  "You okay over there, Kiri?" D.Va asks concerningly. Kiriko smiles and stares down at the floor "Nothing, it was admirable the way you stuck up for me, especially the way you stomped on them." D.Va blushes slightly and giggles, "Well it wasn't right for them to talk to you like that, especially when you were just learning to play."

Kiriko leans in and kisses D.Va, she returns the kiss.

As they pull away D.Va looks at Kiriko with concern, "Hey we don't have to keep playing if you don't want." Kiriko shakes her head, "I like playing video games with you, but maybe can we play a game that we can play together?"

D.Va smiles warmly at Kiriko, she leans in and places a quick peck on Kiriko's lips, "Of course, we can."

Throughout the night, D.Va and Kiriko played a simple survival game together, D.Va taught her the basics of crafting tools and weapons, building shelter, and finding food. The two laughed together as they played.

It didn't matter what game they played together, all that mattered to them was enjoying each other's company.

Kiriko x D.Va One-Shots Collection (Overwatch Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now