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Hanahaki Disease - is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings or when the victim dies. It can be cured through surgical removal, but when the infection is removed, the victim's romantic feelings for their love also disappear.

Kiriko had to admit.. her feelings for D.Va were strong.

Kiriko sat back and watched D.Va as she trained, Kiriko couldn't help but stare and admire D.Va. The way that her body moves in her jumpsuit and the way her body curves so perfectly. D.Va was just amazing overall.

How could Kiriko not stare?

But Kiriko had one issue.. she can't tell D.Va how she feels.

Kiriko and D.Va have become good best friends since the two first met at Watchpoint. What if D.Va didn't feel the same way? Kiriko didn't want to ruin the friendship they had.

So Kiriko keeps her feelings inside, but she can feel it eating inside her in a painful way.

"KIRIKO!" D.Va yells in Kiriko's face. Kiriko shakes her head and snaps back into reality, looking up at D.Va.

"I was trying to get your attention, but you were spacing out," D.Va giggles.

"Oh, sorry, I was just deep in my thoughts," Kiriko laughs embarrassingly.

"Well, after all that training, I'm starving!" D.Va says as she walks off. "Let's go get something to eat!"

"Okay, I'll join you in a second!" Kiriko hollers to D.Va.

Kiriko watches as D.Va walks away. She tightly grips her shirt as she begins to feel pain in her chest.

"It's nothing.." Kiriko said quietly to herself.

Once the chest pain subsides, Kiriko gets up and walks inside. She looks over and sees D.Va waving over to her. Kiriko smiles warmly and sits down next to D.Va.

"About time you got here!" D.Va says as she playfully nudges Kiriko.

Kiriko chuckles, "Sorry, I got distracted with my thoughts again."

As Kiriko began to eat, she looked over and saw D.Va hold up a piece of Kimchi toward her.

"Want to try some?" D.Va asks softly as she holds the piece towards Kiriko.

D.Va's soft and gentle facial expression was enough to make Kiriko's face heat up, but then suddenly, she began to feel a lump form in her throat. She quickly covers her mouth and runs into the bathroom. Kiriko leans over the sink and begins coughing. She spat out a few rose petals as they fell into the sink. Kiriko held her chest tightly as the pain returned. She starts to cough again, but instead of coughing up rose petals, she coughs up thorns. Blood dripped from her mouth and into the sink. Kiriko stood there for a while, breathing heavily.

"Hey Kiriko, are you doing okay?"  D.Va asks concerningly as she knocks gently on the door, causing Kiriko to jump.

Kiriko quickly rinses the sink and wipes the blood off from her mouth before opening the door.

"Yeah, sorry about that, Hana. I'm not feeling good tonight, so I'm going to lie down and rest." Kiriko says as she leans against the bathroom doorway, trying not to make her pain look obvious.

"I can help walk you back to your ro -" D.Va tries to say but is cut off as she watches Kiriko dart off back to her room.

D.Va glances into the bathroom and notices a rose petal, covered in blood, laying on the floor.

Kiriko x D.Va One-Shots Collection (Overwatch Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now