Mourning a Loss

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Requested by Sabinexoxo

Story Description:
Kiriko has been depressed lately since her mother was killed by the Hashimto. She goes very quiet and silent from everyone she's friends with, including her girlfriend Hana. D.Va comes to Kanezaka as she grows very worried and concerned about her girlfriend. But when she arrives, she finds Kiriko a depressed and broken mess in her apartment. Slowly hurting herself by refusing to eat and was slowly getting skinny. D.Va helps Kiriko to get better and talk about what happened. Kiriko would slowly begin to get better and heal from her mother's death.

*warning, there will be parts involving self-harm*

It's been a week since the death of Kiriko's mother, Asa Yamagami

The Hashimoto had decided to come after Asa and had demanded her to forge them weapons as her payment. Asa refused and fended off a mob of the Hashimto before meeting her inevitable death.

After hearing the dreadful news of Asa's death, Kiriko fell into a dark deep state of depression. She began to have nightmares every night of her mother's death. Seeing the image of her mother dying in her nightmares every time she tried to sleep.

Kiriko lays in bed exhausted, sleep deprived, but restless in her completely dark bedroom. She didn't feel like eating which caused her to lose her appetite. She had no motivation to do anything. She just wanted to lay there and slowly die herself.

Kiriko would watch her phone as she receives call after call and message after message from her friends and even from her girlfriend D.Va, but she didn't feel like talking to anyone. So she decided to silence her phone, she burrows her face into the pillows, continuing to mourn the loss of her mother.

D.Va sighs as she stares down at her phone, saddened that her girlfriend won't pick up her calls or answer any of her messages.

"You should go see her Hana," Genji says as he approaches her. D.Va looks up from her phone. "I know she's handling it pretty rough right now."

D.Va sighs and places a hand on Genji's shoulder, "How are you handling it?"

D.Va heard stories about how Kiriko's mother had trained both Genji and Hanzo during their childhood, teaching both of them the ways of the sword. Kiriko's mother was a master swordsman, one of the best in Kanezaka.

"It was hard hearing of Asa's passing, but I know it's much harder for Kiriko right now, which is why you need to go see her," Genji suggested.

Genji was right, D.Va was Kiriko's girlfriend. It's her job to be there for Kiriko, especially in times of need like this. She needed to help Kiriko get through this.

"Your right Genji, I'm going to go see her."

D.Va arrives in Kanezaka. She walks up to the door of Kiriko's apartment and knocks. D.Va watches as the doorknob slowly turns and the door slightly opens. Kiriko peeks out the door and her eyes widened, "Hana what are you doing here?"

D.Va barges inside and hugs Kiriko tightly, "I'm here to see dummy, you have been worrying me." Kiriko slowly returns the hug, "I'm sorry I have been ignoring you."

D.Va pulls away and examines Kiriko, she could see that Kiriko looked rough, she can see the dark circles and bags that were forming under her eyes. Kiriko didn't have her cheeky and full-of-life look to her.

D.Va tries to keep a positive attitude, she brings in her bags and closes the door behind her. "I have a surprise for you," says excitedly as she holds up a pie to Kiriko, "Mercy baked this for you." Kiriko glances at the pie then points over to the kitchen, "Just set it on the counter."

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