Valentines Day Special

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Requested by laabsmir

Story Description: Kiriko and Hana are doing a Valentine's Day game stream, and a random person in chat starts saying homophobic things in the chat and they just ignore them and let the chat take care of it.

(Just a heads up guys this will contain homophobic comments based off the story description, so if you need to just skip it)

Hana begins her stream as hundreds of people start to join.

"Hello Everyone, Happy Valentine's Day!!" Hana says as she makes a hard-shaped hand gesture to the stream. Everyone responds by saying 'Happy Valentine's Day' or with heart emojis.

"If some of you are new to the stream, my name is D.Va and I had some special plans for today's stream." Hana smirks, "Some of you had speculations that I was in a relationship so.." Hana gets up from her chair and later returns to her stream with Kiriko.

"Everyone, I would like to introduce you to my girlfriend Kiriko!" Kiriko waves her hand nervously at the stream, "Hello Everyone." It was Kiriko's first time being on Hana's streams, she often would be in the other room whenever Hana was doing her live streams.

Hana reads the comments in the chat of her fans' reactions to Kiriko's appearance on the live stream:

Chicken_Nugggetz2.0: OMG YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!?

KittyKat: Your girlfriend is so cuuuute!!!

Newb_Gaming: I would have never guessed you liked girls, I'm so happy for you!!

Hana giggles at all the responses in the chat. "Wow, Kiri everyone seems to like and approve of you." Kiriko laughs, "Well I'm glad everyone likes me, it's nice to meet you all"

Well... almost everyone..

xXOverlordXx: Ew you're gay???

Hana notices the comment but decides to ignore it. Kiriko on the other hand begins to get irritated. "Hana..." Hana sighs, "I know it's fine Kiriko, just ignore them." As Hana continued talking to her live stream, the hateful comments kept coming.

xXOverlordXx: Why waste my time watching lesbians

Kiriko starts to get agitated. "Do you always deal with haters on here all the time?" Kiriko asked annoyingly. Hana sighs, "In at least every live stream there is someone like this 'xXOverlordXx' but I never let it bother me."

KittyKat: Hey @ xXOverlordXx your just mad because you can't get an attractive girlfriend!

DJ_Swagzter: If their relationship bothers you so badly then leave the live stream

xXOverlordXx: I didn't ask for any of your opinions.

KittyKat: And we didn't ask you for yours!

Hana begins to laugh. "It's okay everyone, thanks for keeping the chat positive," She smiles softly.

Get_Jinxed_On: We have your back fam!! <3

Kiriko gets an idea, "Oh yeah I have a surprise for you Hana I'll be right back." Kiriko quickly leaves Hana's room.

KittyKat: Oooooo I wonder what's the surprise!?

xXOverlordXx: Probably something gay

KittyKat: Again we didn't ask you!

Kiriko returns moments later with a cherry blossom tree sapling. "I figured we could plant this in your front yard, once it grows it will turn into a beautiful cherry blossom tree," Kiriko says nervously. "Oh my god, Kiriko that is so sweet of you!" Hana says warmly.

"Aaaaand, I know you love rabbits soo.." Kiriko then presents Hana with a white rabbit. Hana gasps and holds the rabbit in her arms. "It's so fluffy!!" Hana gives Kiriko a peck on her lips, "Your too kind, thank you."

KittyKat: Awww you have the sweetest girlfriend D.Va!!

xXOverlordXx: Gaaaaaaaayyyy!!!!

Hana rolls her eyes and smiles at Kiriko, "Now close your eyes, Kiri!" Hana steps away from her live stream. Kiriko quickly peeks at the chat.


Kiriko quickly covers her eyes again, "Okay Okay, my bad!" In the background, the chat can hear Hana, "Keep her in line for me guys!" Kiriko laughs, "What you don't trust me, Hana?" Hana looks over and smirks, "Well the chat did just tell on you for peeking."

Hana returns to the live stream, "Okay now open!" Kiriko looks over to Hana and sees her holding two concert tickets. "You remember that big rock concert coming up in Busan?" Kiriko's eyes widen, "YOU DIDN'T!?" Hana smirks, "I did~"

Kiriko hugs Hana tightly, "YOU'RE THE BEST, I DON'T DESERVE THIS!!" Hana laughs and returns the hug, "Kiriko you've already done so much for me, of course you deserve this." Hana then reaches over and grabs a box, she opens it and reveals Valentine-themed donuts. "And of course, I couldn't forget to get you your favorite snacks!"

Kiriko's mouth begins to water as she stared at the donuts. She grabs a donut and begins to savor the flavor. Hana laughs at the sight, "You and your donuts I swear"

KittyKat: XD so you just need to get her a donut and she'll be content

xXOverlordXx: Of course she likes donuts...

Kiriko reads the comment and gets fed up. Kiriko calmly takes in a deep breath, "Listen here user 'xXOverlordXx', I don't know what your deal is but I'm getting annoyed with you." Hana watches. "Just like the chat said, no one is asking you to stay." Kiriko continues, "I'm not gonna let some punk loser like you, ruin my Valentine's Day with Hana, if our relationship bothers you so much then you can leave." Kiriko glares at the live stream, "Because you're going to see a lot of me in Hana's future live streams."

Kiriko then takes the mouse and blocks the user from seeing Hana's live stream. Kiriko lets out a sigh of relief and leans back in her chair. Kiriko looks over toward Hana and sees her tearing up. "Oh my gosh Hana, I didn't upset you did I!?" Hana lets out a small chuckle, "No just the things you said, they were sweet, these are happy tears," Hana says warmly.


Hana laughs at the comment, "Thank you KittyKat, and all of you for your help."

Kiriko and Hana continued chatting on the live stream. Later that night, Kiriko and Hana go out on a romantic date for Valentine's Day, just enjoying each other's company.

(Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!! Wasn't sure where to go with this but hope it was okay! Someone requested this so why not!! ^_^')

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