Lost Dog

216 5 8

Requested by laabsmir

Story Description:
Kiriko finds a dog following her and helps it find its owner. Falling in love with Hana (The dog's owner) in the process.


Kiriko was doing her usual morning run routine throughout the city of Busan.

She enjoyed staying in Busan. It was a definite change compared to Kanezaka. Busan had a much larger population with constant busy streets. But to Kiriko, it always seemed so peaceful here in the morning. Kiriko often takes her daily morning runs when the sun was just rising.

She wears her headphones and listens to music while she runs, enjoying the view of the city lights.

Kiriko was enjoying her run until she sees ahead of her a big Husky come out of nowhere, running towards her direction. "Woah WOAH HEY!" She yells as the dog leaps at her, tackling her to the ground. The dog begins to lick Kiriko's face. "Ack! Hey, get off me!" She says as she tries to push the dog off from on top of her.

Eventually, the dog finally gets off her and looks down at her. Kiriko wipes off the slobber from her cheeks and groans annoyingly. She stands up and dusts off her leggings. She looks around and notices no one in sight. "Hey, anyone lose a dog!?" She calls out, but no response.

Kiriko looks down at the dog who just stared up at her in return. Kiriko crouches down and reads the tag on the dog's collar. "Tokki." She reads out loud. She sighs and continues on her run. "Hopefully someone will turn up to claim him." She thought to herself. As she continued on her run, she looks back to see Tokki following her.

Kiriko stops and groans, "I'm sorry but you can't come home with me." Tokki sits down and begins to whine. Guilt started washing over Kiriko. She couldn't just leave the dog out here. She finally gives in and sighs, "Okay, let's go.." Tokki barks happily and walks alongside her.

Later as Kiriko returned home with Tokki, she gets on her laptop and begins putting together a flyer. On her flyer, she puts "Dog Found" with Tokki's name and her phone number. She then prints a few copies to place all over Busan. "I'll be back, you behave now," Kiriko says to Tokki as she leaves her apartment.

Kiriko travels all over the City of Busan and places her flyers in the most busiest spots for people to see, hoping someone would claim their dog. "I probably should get Tokki something to eat," Kiriko thought to herself.

As Kiriko returned home again, she gasps in shock. Her apartment was a mess. Tokki had gotten into the trash and scattered it throughout her apartment. Tokki trots to Kiriko happily and sits down in front of her wagging his tail. Kiriko groans and takes Tokki to her backyard, "Bad Dog!" She yells as she slams her glass sliding door.

Tokki whimpers as he paws at the glass door. Kiriko sighs annoyingly and begins to clean up the trash all over her apartment. After Kiriko finishes cleaning, she could hear Tokki whining continuously. Kiriko sighs, "You can whine all you want but you're staying outside." She glances over at Tokki who was staring at her with the biggest puppy eyes.

Kiriko sighs and gives in again, "Okay fine.." She opens her door and lets Tokki back inside. She opens the can of dog food that she had gotten earlier and places some down for Tokki to eat. Immediately Tokki rushes over and scarfs down the dog food. "Wow, you were pretty hungry huh?" Kiriko watches.

"I do hope someone finds you soon."

Weeks have passed now and still, no one had called Kiriko about Tokki. She was beginning to lose hope until suddenly her phone rang.

Kiriko rushes over and answers her phone. "Hello? This is Kiriko. "

A soft voice comes across the other line, "Hi! I was calling about your flyer of a lost dog that was found?"

Kiriko smiles brightly, "Yes! The tag on the collar says Tokki and he's a big Siberian Husky."

"Oh, that's my dog!" The voice says excitedly. "Can you bring him to the bridge in the park, I can meet you there?" The voice asked.

"Of course, I will be on my way now!" Kiriko says.

After the call ended, Kiriko quickly runs over to Tokki. "We found your owner!" She says cheerfully. Kiriko hooks the leash to Tokki's collar, they leave her apartment and head to the park.

As they arrived at the park, Kiriko waited on the bridge with Tokki for the owner.

"Tokki!" A voice calls out to the dog. Kiriko looks over and her eyes widen. A beautiful woman came running in her direction. Tokki barks happily and runs over to the owner. Kiriko watches and smiles at their reunion. The owner laughs as Tokki washes them with licks all over their face. The owner then walks up to Kiriko.

"Hi, you must be Kiriko? My name is Hana, thank you so much for taking care of Tokki!" She smiles softly. Kiriko blushes, "Yeah of course!" Hana notices the blush and begins to giggle, "I hope he wasn't too much trouble for you, he somehow broke out the fence and ran off." Kiriko scratches the back of her head nervously, "It was not a problem, really."

As the two begin to talk, Tokki suddenly starts running around them excitedly. The leash starts wrapping around Kiriko's and Hana's legs causing them to press against each other. Kiriko loses her balance and stumbles back to the ground, Hana falling on top of her.

"Damn you Tokki!" Kiriko yells. As Kiriko slowly opens her eyes, she looks up and was met with Hana's eyes. Hana blushes as she stares into Kiriko's eyes. "Hey, you okay?" Kiriko asked softly. Hana nods, "Better now."

Hana climbs off of Kiriko and helps her back onto her feet. "Sorry Tokki gets super excited like that all the time." Kiriko laughs, "Yeah when I first found him, he tackled me and attacked me with kisses." Hana lets out a giggle, "That sounds like Tokki." She smiles softly and hugs Kiriko, "Thank you again for taking care of him."

Kiriko watches as Hana began to walk away with Tokki. Kiriko was really going to miss that dog.

During the weeks she took care of him, even though he was troublesome at times, he was still a good dog. Kiriko would often take him with her on her morning runs. Or the time when she was bathing Tokki and ended up falling in the tub, taking a bath with him.

Kiriko's thoughts then wandered to Hana, she was beautiful. She can't let this opportunity go, she needed to make a move before Hana walked away.

"Hey, wait!" Kiriko called out to Hana. She stops and turns towards Kiriko. "Um, will I see you again?" Kiriko asked. Hana giggles in response, "Is that your way of asking me on a date?" Kiriko gulps and nods, "If you want to but if no-" Hana interrupts. "I would love to, you have my number now." Hana winks as she walks away.

Kiriko stood there, her face feeling warm and her heart beating fast in her chest. She really just fell in love with Hana. Kiriko couldn't wait to see her again.. and of course Tokki.

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