A Sick Kiriko

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Requested by Sabinexoxo

Story Description: D.Va comes to Kanezaka as Kiriko called her for help but not telling her what. Until when D.Va arrives at her apartment, she finds out Kiriko was very sick and needed someone to take care of her.

D.Va arrives at Kanezaka to spend the week with Kiriko.

On her way to Kiriko's apartment, she receives a phone call from her girlfriend. "Hey, you almost here?" Kiriko asked. "Yeah, I just got arrived in Kanezaka." Kiriko's voice sounded off than her usual self but D.Va didn't put much thought into it.

As D.Va arrives at Kiriko's apartment, she knocks on the door. But to her surprise, no answer. D.Va becomes concerned and slowly turns the doorknob, the door was unlocked and she enters inside.

"Kiriko I'm here," D.Va says as she looks around. She walks towards the hallway and sees Kiriko leaning against the wall weakly. "Sorry, I was trying to get to the door."

D.Va drops her bags and rushes quickly to Kiriko. D.Va notices the sweat rolling down Kiriko's face and places her hand on her girlfriends' forehead. Kiriko felt like she was burning up. "Back to bed now," D.Va says as she assists Kiriko back to her bedroom. "Hana, I'm fine.." Kiriko whines.

D.Va lays Kiriko down on her bed gently. She goes into her bathroom and runs cool water in the sink. D.Va shortly returns with a cold wet rag and places it on Kiriko's forehead. D.Va then places a thermometer in Kiriko's mouth, she looks at the results. "You're running a high fever of 103°."

"How long have you been sick?" D.Va asks. Kiriko pauses then hesitantly answers, "Like... a few days now?" D.Va glares at her, "A few days!?! Kiri, you look awful right now!" Kiriko chuckles weakly, "Well.. been busy dealing with the Hashimoto."

D.Va sighs as she opens the bedroom window to let the cool breeze into the room. "Kiri.. when your body gets run down and exhausted, you can get ill if you don't rest." D.Va makes sure Kiriko is nice and comfy in bed. "Sooo... I'll make sure you get better while I'm here okay." She smiles softly at Kiriko.

Kiriko looks down and sniffles, "Hana, I don't want you to waste your time taking care of me.." D.Va shakes her head, "If I was wasting my time I wouldn't be doing this for you now would I?" Kiriko looks up at her, "So why are you doing this..?" D.Va rolls her eyes playfully, "You're my girlfriend duh! And I love you lots." D.Va leans down and kisses her cheek, "Now rest yeobo."

Throughout the day, D.Va would clean around Kiriko's apartment and sanitize certain areas. She would often peek inside Kiriko's bedroom to check on her. Kiriko was so exhausted when D.Va arrived that she was out cold asleep, which made D.Va feel better knowing that her girlfriend was getting the rest she needed.

Later that night, D.Va begins to run a warm bath. She walks over to Kiriko and gently nudges her. "Hey wake up," She says quietly. Kiriko groans and looks over at her tiredly. "I've made you a warm bath, the water will help reduce your fever." D.Va smiles softly.

Kiriko groans again and pulls the covers over her face. D.Va giggles and pulls the covers away, "Come on, Kiri." She helps Kiriko out of bed and into the bathroom. Kiriko slowly removes her clothing and climbs into the tub. Kiriko as she lays back and relaxes. "The water does help with my aching body.." Kiriko says. D.Va smiles softly, "Good, just relax now okay."

As Kiriko relaxes in the bathtub, D.Va goes into the kitchen and prepares to make Kiriko some chicken soup. "She probably hasn't been eating a lot lately," D.Va thought to herself." The broth would help replenish the fluids that Kiriko's body needed to help get over the fever, plus chicken soup has tons of vitamins and minerals.

D.Va places the bowl of soup onto a bed tray and returns to Kiriko's room. She sets the tray down on top of the dresser and goes into the bathroom to check on her. "Hey, you doing okay?" D.Va asks softly. Kiriko looks up and nods, "Yeah, I'm just really weak.." D.Va frowns and sits next to the bathtub, "I know Aegiya.. you will get better soon." D.Va gently moves Kiriko's bangs away from her eyes.

"When you're finished with your bath, I made you some chicken soup," D.Va says. "I'm not hungry Hana.." D.Va sighs, "You need to at least sip on some of the broth, your body needs the fluids." Kiriko looks over to D.Va. "Please at least eat a little bit for me.." D.Va says with puppy eyes. Kiriko groans playfully, "Okay Okay, you know I could never say no to you."

D.Va helps Kiriko out of the bathtub and into the bedroom. Kiriko drys herself off and changes into light clothing. D.Va lays Kiriko back into bed and brings overtly the bed tray with her soup. D.Va lays next to Kiriko and helps feed her.

Shortly after Kiriko finishes a majority of her chicken soup, D.Va begins to give her medicine. Kiriko closes her mouth tightly and shakes her head. "Kiri it's just medicine." Kiriko shakes her head again. D.Va giggles, "You're older than me and still acting like a child." D.Va gives Kiriko puppy eyes again, "Please for me..?" Kiriko groans, "Fine.." and takes the medicine.

D.Va smiles softly and gives Kiriko a gentle kiss on the forehead, "That's my good fox." Kiriko's face blushes slightly, and not cause of her fever. D.Va giggles in response and cuddles up against Kiriko. "Now rest some more, I'll be right here." Kiriko sighs lovingly and rests her head against D.Va's, "Thank you, Hana."

As the days passed, Kiriko's fever was slowly going away with each passing day. By the end of the week, Kiriko was back to being her healthy energetic self.

Kiriko and D.Va kiss each other goodbye as she had to return home to Busan. Even though they didn't get to go out much and do things together, they both still enjoyed the time and company they got to spend with each other back at Kiriko's apartment.

A few days later, Kiriko attempted to get a hold of D.Va. "Oh, hello Kiriko," Dae-hyun says as he answers the call. "Hey, I been trying to get a hold of Hana, is she okay?" Kiriko asks with concern. Dae-hyun sighs, "Well.. after she returned here from seeing you Kanezaka, she got sick."

Kiriko suddenly felt guilt washing over her. "She must've caught my sickness while she was taking care of me.." Kiriko thought quietly to herself.

Later that night, D.Va was laying miserably in her bed. She had no motivation to do anything, she couldn't even play her video games. MEKA had made her take some time off to rest.

She suddenly hears a knock on her door. "Go away." She groans as she pulls the covers over her head. She then hears the sound of someone just appearing in her room without opening her door. "Hey.." D.Va eyes widen and she sits up quickly in bed. Kiriko was standing before her next to the bed.

Kiriko was holding a bowl of her homemade chicken broth. D.Va could see the guilt all over Kiriko's face. "Kiri, what's wrong?" She asks weakly. "Someone told me that you got sick shortly after you left Kanezaka..." Kiriko frowns, "So I'm here to repay the favor you did for me and take care of you now."

D.Va smiles softly and pulls Kiriko into the bed next to her. "Woah hey be careful, the soup is hot!" Kiriko shouts. D.Va cuddles against Kiriko and passes out. Kiriko watches as D.Va rests peacefully. "I'll make sure you get better, Hana." Kiriko whispers and kisses her forehead.

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