Family Life

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Requested by laabsmir


A few years have passed since Kiriko and D.Va retired together from Overwatch. They both had to admit, they were going to miss it. All the memories from their past missions, ones they failed and ones they succeeded. The memories and laughs they had shared with their friends. But now it was time that they put their old lives behind them and to now start a new one that they've built together.

A family.

Kiriko and D.Va had recently adopted two children, a boy and a girl. They had settled down their new family in a small home in Kiriko's hometown, Kanezaka.

D.Va was making dinner as the two and the children played outside in the yard, D.Va smiled lovingly as she watched out the window as the children ran around laughing.

"Whatcha making?" Kiriko asks as she walks up behind D.Va, wrapping her arms around her waist, hugging D.Va from behind.

"Ramen with some Kimchi as a side dish," D.Va smiles softly.

Kiriko returns the smile and looks up towards the window, her gaze meeting the children as they still continue to play. D.Va looks up and notices Kiriko watching the children. She smiles and gives Kiriko a playful nudge, which catches Kiriko's attention.

"It's wonderful, ain't it?" D.Va asks lovingly. "Having this life, our own little family?"

Kiriko sighs and rests her chin on D.Va's shoulder, giving her a gentle squeeze.

"It is.. but honestly, I did not see me getting this far." Kiriko says.

D.Va understood completely as to what Kiriko meant. In their younger years, they both risked their life for their home. Kiriko, who had fought against the Hashimoto here in Kanezaka. And D.Va, who had fought the invading omnics known as the Gwishin, that would invade her home at South Korea.

But now that was all over, they didn't have to fight anymore.

"Well, now we don't have to worry about that anymore." D.Va says as she looks up to meet her eyes with Kiriko's. "Now we have a family to call our own."

Kiriko smiles softly, she gently strokes D.Va's cheek and gives her a tender kiss. Kiriko then pulls away and rests her forehead against D.Va's. They both stood there for a moment silently, enjoying each other's embrace. The children's laughter still heard in the background.

D.Va pulls away and looks up at Kiriko lovingly, "Dinner is almost ready, you should get the kids and have them clean up."

Kiriko nodded and let D.Va finish her cooking.

For the rest of the evening, they sat down together and enjoyed their meal together as a family. All of them were talking and laughing together as they ate.

By the end of the night, D.Va put the children to sleep, giving them each a gentle kiss on the head, and covers them up with their blankets

"Sweet Dreams." She whispers softly as she left their bedroom and closes the door gently.

Kiriko was standing outside the bedroom, leaning against the wall as D.Va put the children to bed. She notices D.Va leaving the room and walks over, wrapping her arms around D.Va. D.Va rested her head on Kiriko's chest and closed her eyes as they embraced once more.

They could get used to this.

(Hello all, I am back! Hopefully, I can write more of these one-shot stories, so be sure to comments what story you'd like me to write for these two. Also sorry if this was short laabsmir so I hope you like it, sorry it took a year)

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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