Long Distance

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Requested by MasterMinus

Story Description: Kiriko and D.Va are long distance and they've never met before and then they finally meet each other for the first time.

Kiriko and D.Va have been talking a lot for the past year over the internet. They both met each other in an online RPG game. Kiriko was just learning how to play when D.Va first met her. D.Va always liked making new friends on video games. She noticed how Kiriko appeared lost in the game and decided to help guide her through it, and since then they became close.

They began to play more often together on the game. They would wait for the other to get on with anticipation, excited to play with them again. They even started talking on an online group chat site and would send each other pictures of their everyday lives.

One night, Kiriko and D.Va were texting each other on the group chat, D.Va sends a picture of her hometown Busan, South Korea.

Kiriko: wow is that what Busan looks like!?

D.Va giggles to herself as she begins to type.

D.Va: pretty cool huh? Never been to a big city before?

Kiriko: I mean, Kanezaka is big but not like Busan. It's really pretty Hana :)

D.Va sighs happily as she talks with Kiriko. Lately, she started developing feelings toward Kiriko, and her feelings grew more and more as they talked.

D.Va knows that Kiriko was well-built from all the selfies Kiriko has sent her. Some of them were of Kiriko, covered in sweat while in her uniform with the caption, "Training". D.Va couldn't help but be attracted to her. Kiriko has told her that she is trained in martial arts. Kiriko has even sent D.Va some videos of her training, and D.Va had to admit, Kiriko was hot.

Kiriko felt the same way about D.Va. D.Va had sent photos of her daily life at MEKA, Mobile Exo-Force of the Korean Army. Some of the photos D.Va sent to Kiriko were with her working on her mech that she called Tokki. She even sent cutesy photos of her in her MEKA uniform which Kiriko drooled for. Kiriko liked how D.Va looked in uniform, how her curves stood out, Kiriko couldn't help but stare.

It was obvious that both of them had feelings for each other, they often would flirt with each other playfully or in a joking matter. But what they felt for each other was real, but they both were afraid to admit their true feelings to each other. Afraid that it may cost them the friendship and special bond they had.

D.Va shakes herself out of her thoughts as she notices Kiriko was typing.

Kiriko: Hey Hana... can I tell you something..?

D.Va takes a deep breath as nervousness started settling in her stomach.

D.Va: of course Kiri, what's up?

D.Va watches as Kiriko begins to type, "Come on type faster.." D.Va says to herself.

Kiriko: well... um... this has been constantly on my mind and well... I've been wanting to ask you but was too scared...

D.Va: Kiri, you can tell me anything :)

Kiriko pauses as she reads D.Va's response. Kiriko couldn't put up with this anymore, she needed to tell D.Va how she really felt, it was now or never. Kiriko takes a deep breath and begins typing. She then hesitantly hits enter and sends the message.

Kiriko: Hana, you've been such a good friend since I started playing video games. I have to admit, your really good. I enjoy watching your live streams and the funny moments we shared while playing together. But lately something has been bothering me... I'm starting to like you more as a friend, and I can't deny these feelings I'm having for you. I think your a kind person and your really attractive.. I hope this doesn't ruin the friendship we have

As D.Va read Kiriko's message, her eyes widened and she covers her mouth in awe. She blushes deeply as happy tears formed in her eyes.

Kiriko waited and waited but D.Va didn't respond. "I messed up.." Kiriko groaned as she laid her head on her desk.


Kiriko quickly looks back up at her computer screen, and her eyes widened at D.Va's response.

D.Va: Kiriko I feel the same way too, I'm actually fucking happy! You know I had an idea, I know how much you adore Busan. How about I buy you a plane ticket and we can meet in person..?


At the moment D.Va immediately booked a flight for Kiriko to Busan and emailed her the ticket.

A week passed, and Kiriko messages D.Va that she was boarding her plane now. It was going to be about a 4-hour flight. Kiriko smiles warmly to herself as she sits down, she couldn't wait to meet D.Va.

Later that day, it was coming close to Kiriko's arrival. D.Va waited in the airport anxiously, looking for Kiriko. D.Va looks over and froze as their eyes met. Kiriko stood there, holding her bags. D.Va smiles brightly and ran over to Kiriko. Kiriko immediately drops her bags as D.Va jumps onto her, wrapping her legs around Kiriko's waist and hugging her tightly. They stood like that for a moment, holding each other happily.

Kiriko looks into D.Va's eyes. "Hey, why are you crying?" Kiriko asked worriedly.

D.Va looked at Kiriko happily as tears rolled down her face. "I'm just so happy Kiriko, it doesn't even feel real!" D.Va says excitedly.

They pressed their foreheads against each other.

"Hey Hana?" Kiriko asks.

D.Va looks up at Kiriko with confusion.

"Well, since we admitted our true feelings toward each other, I thought it would be better to ask you in person." Kiriko continues, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Without hesitation, D.Va leans in and kisses Kiriko deeply. "Yes Kiriko, I would be honored," D.Va smiles softly at Kiriko.

At this moment, this was the start of a relationship that would soon grow. Something that first started as online friends, became something so real. Kiriko and D.Va couldn't wait for what the future had in stored for them.

Kiriko x D.Va One-Shots Collection (Overwatch Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now