Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

He fell asleep in his room after he changed clothes and hid under his blanket. The dreadful feeling stays in his chest and Seungmin cannot get rid of the anxiety scattered in his core. It was heavy and frigid just enough for him to quiver.

How do they know about his father and Juho? What the fuck? His father almost sold him to Chan and what? Chan will kill him. He is sure of it. Minho said that there were rumors about him being a whore. Sleeping with men? What the fuck is wrong with their brain?! He never... Even in his previous life, Seungmin has always been pure. 

But this agony... God, he didn't want this! He never wanted this life! What does he do wrong to be in this fucking suffering?! Seungmin sobs again, he was so done with this fuck up world! 

What should he do? He needs to leave... Seungmin paused, but how about Felix and Jeongin? He promised them. 

He grips his blanket, tears are swelling in his eyes. He didn't know what to do. Why does his father need Chan? He doesn't have any legal business unless Chan is also. 

No. He shook his head because it was ridiculous. Chan doesn't look like he was part of the mafia. His father never mentioned him before, so why was he involved with his father? Is he being extorted? 

Seungmin has a lot of questions but he only sobs at all of the possibilities he could think of. He can't stay here, but he promised Felix. He will never leave them again. Chan and others will surely kill him for real if he hurts those two. 

However, they can't hurt him, right? It was not his fault. He didn't do anything. He just wants to live. Seungmin anxiety is peering to the point that he needs to stabilize his breathing. He knows the exercise, his noona taught him about this. 

"Seungmin?" He was hibernating when he heard a call from the door. He lets out a miserable whimper and shuts his eyes. He heard a loud thug of his door opening wide also turning on the light. 

"Hey," He heard someone's voice but he was exhaling hard. He couldn't look out, tears were freeing out in the corner of his eyes blocking his lungs for air.

"Look at me, babe," Hyunjin mumbles softly and holds both of his cheeks. Don't think of anything and just focus on my voice. "That's it, sweetheart,"

Seungmin heard a gentle voice, and he followed it. "Yeah. That's good, very well baby. Inhale and exhale… Slowly." He felt taking control of his breathing.

"Continue to follow my breathing, baby." Seungmin obediently mirrored the act and they did it for a long time.

"You're doing good sweetheart. Continue it and focused only on me." Hyunjin's voice is soft as if he was holding something precious. He wiped his tears while still holding his face. 

Hyunjin maneuvered him easily so he could have a comfortable position on his lap but Seungmin was still in the clouds. He can't distinguish what's happening around him because of his ongoing episode, he was puffing wearily. Hyunjin began to massage his head down to his neck. He closes his eyes and whines. He felt safe and also

So so so painful.

Hyunjin proceeds to calm him down by repeating his whispered comfort and gentle touches. It works like magic, the static sound finally stopped. He smells his flowery scents waking up Seungmin in his trance.

He remained buried in Hyunjin's chest, he didn't want to get away. They stayed close to each other until someone also came but Seungmin's demons are hard to get rid of. The tears aren't stopping, scary thoughts are formulated easily. What if it won't work? What if they will never understand? 

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