Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

It's been three days since he received a call from Juho. He still feels anxious about it but he made himself busy with work and his daily meetings with the mob members with Felix & Jeongin let him forget the eerie feeling in his chest. 

His hangout with Hyunjin is scheduled for this weekend and Seungmin is exhilarated. He is very interested in paintings and knowing that Hyunjin is the only great artist he knew personally hypes everything.  

"Do you think we could order McDonald's Hamburg?" Seungmin says to himself not noticing he said it in one of their movie hangout nights.

"Oh, you didn't like my cookies?" Felix asked, not offended but amused at Seungmin's slip of the tongue. 

"Ha?" Jeongin smirked but took his hand so he could yank him upward. 

"No... I mean, I miss eating burgers." Seungmin bit his lips, blinking at Felix's twinkling eyes. 

It was only the three of them together. Seungmin noticed that the mob was gone busy and rarely visited their unit unless it was dinner time. Jisung once told him they were on to something, like finding someone and distributing packages. Seungmin never asked for the details. He just lets Jisung say whatever and then the older male will leave after hugging and kissing both of his lovers. Of course, Seungmin only received a pat on the shoulder. 

"Let's go. I wanna take a walk too." Jeongin offered but Felix pouted saying he needed to go because Chan needed him. Seungmin cackles saying that it was okay if he will sleep there too. Jeongin nodded his head in understanding while Felix gripped Seungmin in a big hug and kissed the top of his head. Jeongin smiles at them fondly. 

"Guess it's an early good night. Baby," Felix took Jeongin to his waist and kissed him, pecking his lips while Seungmin went to his room to get his jacket. 

When he goes back Felix is already gone while Jeongin is on his phone texting someone. Seungmin walks to his front to tell him they should go. 

"I haven't eaten burgers since I came here. My gosh. My 23 years of life." Seungmin is babbling inside the elevator while Jeongin only furrows his brow and looks at Seungmin. 

"You're only 20 Kim Seungmin," Jeongin told him, shaking his head while Seungmin looked at him as if he had gone crazy. 

"Yah, Brat. I'm older than you!" 

"Yeah Yeah... You technically weren't but since you look desperate then whatever. What's with you anyway? Jeongin sighed exasperatedly at Seungmin's bewildered face. 

"I was born in 2000 genius!" Seungmin muttered under his breath, completely serious. 

"Seungmin. You're not 00z with Jisung, Felix, and Hyunjin hyung. We're in the same year and you're only older by 4 months. So excuse me for not calling you properly 'Hyung' whom you like so much." Jeongin has a smug expression on his face but Seungmin just sighs remembering his age here. Sometimes he forgot that Seungmin here is younger (says sarcastically) than his original age. 

"4 months is a long gap." 

"In your dreams, hyung..." Jeongin retorted mockingly. The sly smirk stays on his lips highlighting his dimples. 

They reached the lobby still bickering until Seungmin retaliated after laughing at Jeongin's story about his class. They were too focused on the discussion that Seungmin didn't notice the click of the camera that was tailing them in the background. 

He didn't realize that the warm innocent walk with his friend was the beginning of his agonies. 

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