Chapter 19

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A/N: Hi stars. Juho is a character I wanna get rid of sooner. He is so infuriating and unpleasant and he wasn't relevant aside from his original role as a past Seungmin tormentor. I give him the benefit of the doubt because readers seem to be irritated by him and it was fun reading the comments when they were angry at him. However, I think his role didn't match the future chapters. Past Seungmin's relationship with his family should have ended sooner but well, it was more complicated than I thought it would be.

This chapter was Chan's point of view, for the first time. I wanna say more but it will compromise the other members' thinking and I cannot change them once I write their pov. So basically, this was a half-hearted explanation. I apologize for the lack of as a writer.

Also, I write smut. It was my first time and I didn't really know what I was doing, let's say it was an experiment until I got comfortable and more detailed next time. Jeonginie is such a cutie and I love him so much. I hope he was taken care of fully.

I hope this is enough explanation, Yohan and Kiel are the new characters in this arc. I don't want to spoil the fun but they were so cute in my mind.

Seungmin is twisted in this chapter but I hope you guys understand where he came from. He needed this closure to move forward and embrace his new life and finally act like himself. The new Seungmin is more cunning than the naive Seungmin from the past. I hope you like the character I portray.

Enjoy reading ~

Chapter 19

The sky was murky with heavy clouds gathering at the horizon, unlike the other day he recalled in this town where the sun shines brightly, today is not any other day. He goes straight from the airport after almost 10 hours of flight from Seoul to attend the director's funeral.

It was his hometown at Sta. Monica - a town of hills and blooming fleabane daisies. Where the sun always rests low on the horizon analogous to the perpetual twilight and carves a red-purple sky. The view he felt nostalgic for. Those days when his life was simple and the innocence of youth was still carved into his soul before it got corrupted.

The countryside in Australia before Chan moves to Sydney as he found his family changing his life, demolishing his celibacy. This was the place of his childhood.

Sta. Monica Prefecture is the only orphanage in town. There are only three adults running the small constitution. Chan was one of the ten kids who were unfortunate to be an orphan. He belonged to the children who were abandoned by their mothers and were left in front of the gate. Thea is the director of the orphanage, together with Maggie and Haru.

They called themselves a family and Chan treasure those days in his memories. He was happy and only dreamt of learning how to write and read. He likes music so whenever they visit downtown, Chan likes to listen to the small pub where he could hear jazz music played by the townspeople. He plans to stay in town and maybe get to work at the pub as a helper and if he is lucky, he will also play music, especially piano. The orphanage has a vintage piano inside the director's office that Maggie taught him to play. He played for them on birthdays and holidays. Also, events when they held thanksgiving parties for those foundations that rarely visited the orphanage to give a hand.

Holidays and birthdays are his favorite. They will sing and have a small celebration. Chan was 11 years old when his life shifted, the time when he met his family.

He remembered luxury cars parked outside the prefecture. There were men wearing expensive suits waiting outside, he recalled the heavy rain and the dirt, the smell of grass around the tract. Chan was with his friend Kiel who was also shocked at the big-time people visiting the orphanage. City-looking cars are rare in the Sta. Monica, townspeople usually used old model vehicles and trucks aside from the mayor who rode a second-hand four-drive civic he frequently used in coming to the municipality.

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