Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"I..." Seungmin chews his lips but in the end, he faces the man with the vacant stare he wore before. 

He never held grudges against someone but it doesn't mean he wasn't upset. Jisung is someone Seungmin wanted to be friends with previously. He is cute, very humorous, and carefree. But he shades his brilliant personality whenever Seungmin is in the distance.

And he is honestly giving up. He doesn't care whether Jisung likes him to be his friend or not. If he thinks Seungmin is bad news, then maybe they shouldn't be involved with each other's business. 

"If you said you were going home, I shouldn't have gone out." He whispered, awkwardly staying still, remembering the disgusted Jisung's reaction when he saw his photos. 

"About that... I purposely didn't tell you so I could see and talk to you." Jisung's eyes are bright as he hesitates. Seungmin sighed, he is so cute. Why does he look like he was being bullied by Seungmin? It doesn't make sense! And unfair! Because his pure heart can't say no to those boba eyes. 

"Okay. Let's move to the living room." Seungmin first walked away without giving him another second glance. 

They settled on the sofa, Seungming taking a throw pillow to his lap and waiting for the older one to sit comfortably before he would ask him.

"I... I'm sorry." His gaze turned over Jisung's guilty expression. What, another pity?

"No, I'm not pitying you. I don't have that kind of emotion in me..." Seungmin just stares, still a bit confused. 

"Like you, my father is also part of a gang... Well, not directly but he got involved." Jisung breathes heavily. His bright eyes are now gone, only a shadow of the unknown gap.

"We're poor. I'm not smart too, well I have friends but they left me after my father got involved with dangerous people." 

"I met Minho at the auction in Malaysia. It's obvious that my father fuck up big time. He was selling drugs and the local gang trusted him with an important contract. He asked me for help with dealings though, I didn't know at first, I only knew that he was shipping loads of cargo from Korea to Malaysia." Seungmin held his breath. 

"Then we received humans... Not loads of stones but people. I was scared and I looked at my father. He was shocked too. We didn't expect to have people in the cargo. They were illegally transported to Malaysia. They were filthy and fetid, and some of them were already ill. I panicked. There are children too..." Jisung trailed off, Seungmin knew that it was hard remembering this kind of memory. Jisung continued after gathering himself again. 

"I didn't do anything. I just stayed frozen until the gang came and retrieved them. We went home and I told my father to quit the gang. They can't keep collecting people now. It's just gross. But he said he needed money, I asked why he did need it but he didn't tell me." 

"I think it changed from there, my father was often gone until one of the gang members went to our house to look for my father. I didn't know what was happening. He left without telling me, I just came back from school. Our house turned upside down, and they destroyed everything. I knew from there that I needed to leave, but they got me." 

"The gang says that my father stole a large amount of money from them. He didn't explain why or what it was for. He just ran away and left me to the gang." 

"I experienced it too, getting beaten up to a pulp. Tied up in the basement with bruises, wounds, and only water. Then they speculated that my father abandoned me... They alter their plan and I begin to work for them." 

"For nearly two years, I left school and was working my ass off for the gang. Too many errands, and violence, but one time the leader is acting strange. He was always looking at me like he was having thought of dispatching my existence. I still slave out of them. I have no way out. They will kill me without any second thought." 

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