Chapter 9

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A/N: Trigger warning applies. ⚠️ 

Many got surprised by Minho's confessions but it was inevitable, however, it was not as easy as it may seem. 

Seungmin was supposed not to be affected by the past Seungmin but he was still adjusting. He doesn't like his life now and he keeps denying his new identity for that reason, his mental health is not stable. He is still a very optimistic person and a fighter. Only if Seungmin finally embraces his life now, he was just lost and the triggers didn't help to loathe himself more. So be patient and don't rush the poor puppy. 

 Another thing is, Jisung has anxiety attacks and nightmares. I would write it if Seungmin & him became close rn. I don't have a chance since there is so much going on. Don't blame me, it just happened.

!This is a spoiler! Gosh, Changbin is somehow the core of this (fights). I haven't written to him yet, even though his background has nothing to see. He was just in there, co-existing. But he hates many people and he was very territorial so I hope he will be healed in the end. 

Hyunjin is captivated the same as Felix and Jeongin (If it wasn't obvious yet) Also Hyunjin is not showing up, but he will have a pov soon. (Jinnie for me is intense, I don't know why people keep telling he's dramatic, for me he was just so hard to figure out.) He is an enigma and his dynamics for Seungmin are very intense. I hope you got a sight of him when he comforted Seungmin during one of his episodes. Hyunjin is that one quiet but deadly. 

Chan… He is uhh reserved. But he loves hard. You'll find out soon. :)


Chapter 9

Seungmin gets himself busy to forget he was hungry and buries the memory of Minho's soft lips against his. The confession tops as the biggest surprise he had this month, well not higher at Chan being affiliated with his father but even so. 

A knock came again and it was Chan now, his lips are stretching happily wide showing his dimples at the side.  It also made him look soft and approachable. He had a tray of food in his hands. 

"Minho says you're hungry so I get you food." Seungmin's pupils rounded out but dismissed the heat blooming in his cheeks. He distracts his attention instead. 

"So, the food is just for show. You're here to talk." Seungmin delicately accepts the tray either way. It has a boiled egg, tuna sandwich, and mango juice. 

"You found me." Chan giggles and clears his throat.

"I have boyfriends now," Chan announces timidly like a shy teenager only having his first relationship. Well maybe so? 

"Okay. I'm happy for you!" Seungmin bites the sandwich and casually looks at the older male as if it wasn't news to him. 

"You are awfully so casual about this." 

"Yep if someone called me in the middle of the night and disturb my sleep just to say he finally have boyfriends." Seungmin scoffs while Chan has a bewildered expression on his face. He ushers his arm and extends it to brush up Seungmin's hair.

"I always thought it was complicated but it works so well. We even managed to have Jeongin agree to date us all." Seungmin nodded his head, he didn't expect that but well, he is happy for the younger. 

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