twenty nine

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harlee's pov
wednesday, 2:00 am

I slowly hummed before turning out my lamp, trying my hardest to go to sleep. despite all my nerves for a test I had in the morning.

I rolled over in my bed attempting to get comfortable within the sheets.

my phone vibrated repeatedly against my wooden nightstand, signaling I was getting a call from someone.

"oh my gosh." I groaned, rolling over then reaching over to grab my phone from off of the bed side table.

*call from baby*

two in the morning? really javon?

I tucked my lips under before picking up the phone. thinking of all the possible reasons he could be calling me this early in the morning.

why was he even up?

well, maybe it is kind of cute he's thinking of me at this time.

I slid the button across the screen, picking up the other side of the line. "why in the world are you up at two am?" I questioned bringing the phone up to my ear.

a small laugh left the other side of the line, "hey baby." his voice was low.

it was obvious he was tired.

"somebody is sleepy." I giggled softly, resting my body weight on my elbow.

he ignored what I had just said, almost immediately changing the conversation. "are you busy?"

my eyebrows furrowed, noticing something was off with him. "no I'm not. are you okay?" I sat straight up, the concern laced in my voice.

my eyebrows stayed furrowed waiting for a response out of him. but it was silent; the only sound was his slow breaths.

I felt my body crush as he sniffled, sounding congested as if he was just crying.

the nerves erupted in my stomach, my body now wide awake. "javon, what's wrong?"

he didn't answer again. this time I swear I could hear my heart beating through the phone.

"can I see you?" his voice cracked as he continued to sniffle.

my eyes closed at the sound of him silently sobbing through the phone. I could feel the nerves erupting through my body.

I tried to calm myself down as I rushed around my room to try and get dressed for the weather outside. "where are you wanna?"

he sniffed his nose again, "I'm at the city park." his voice sounded, almost as if he was whispering to me.

"stay there, okay? I'm on my way." I assured him as I stood up from my bed, grabbing my car keys from my dresser and throwing a beanie on over my bed head.

"okay." he sniffed again, sounding even more weak.

I knew it would be a challenge explaining to my mom in the morning why I stormed out the house at two o'clock in the morning. but I have to.

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