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harlee's pov:
friday morning

my eyes shot over to jaden as he tapped my shoulder, keeping up his pace with me as we walked through the hallway.

"hey j," my voice was low as I chewed lightly on my gum.

"what class are you headed to?" he asked, clearly sounding frantic.

I arched my brow confused at his sudden change of emotion, "I'm going to chemistry, what about you?"

"why are you walking to chemistry going this way?" he questioned me, grabbing ahold of the strings of his backpack. "you should just cut through this hallway right here."

he pointed to a hallway that no one ever went down, which is exactly why I always avoided it.

that hallway always seemed sketchy to me.

"no one ever walks this way." I told him laughing under my breath.

"which is all the reason you should, come on." he said tugging at my forearm as he guided me down the hallway.

he gently started pulling me towards the back hallway, but I pulled my arm away from his grip. "jaden, it's no need for me to walk this way when my class is one hall down."

"harlee, would you just come on. I don't want to walk this way alone." he whined, stopping in his tracks and letting me walk ahead of him.

"what's going on j?" I questioned him as I slowed down my feet so that we could walk side by side.

he eyed me for a couple seconds with his mouth open. his eyes shifted back to the front of the hallway as he blinked a couple of times. "nothing?" he said more as a question.

I let out a groan confused on why he dragged me down this way, when in reality it takes longer going this route. "you're acting really weird."

"thank you harlee! I never thought you'd say that." the sarcasm was laced in his voice as he shook his head.

my eyes instantly squinted as we came across a group of boys standing in the middle of the hallway. rarely anyone takes this hallway to get to their classes.

"what's happening up there?" I questioned jaden as we slowly approached the group of boys.

jaden stood on his tippy toes as his eyebrows narrowed, trying to see above the crowd. "I have no clue."

we both started walking into the group of boys, them all giving us looks as we shoved past them. I followed behind jaden since he was taller than me and could see what was going on.

finally, we got through the crowd and they all had their attention on me.

the boys stood backed up against the wall as small smiles plastered across their faces. they gave each other glances.

"what the hell is going on?" I mumbled under my breath.

the boys started to cheer loudly as my eyes shifted to a few of the guys from the boxing team.

they revealed themselves from behind a door, and in their hands were poster boards that spelled out, 'prom?'

my heart rate picked up the second I saw javon reveal himself from behind the door holding a bouquet of baby pink roses.

he walked up to me with a smooth smirk on his face as I brought my hand up to my face trying to cover my expression.

he held the bouquet of roses out to me with one arm while the other wrapped around my waist.

the minute my arms wrapped around his shoulders I felt the energy radiate throughout my body.

the boys in the hallway started to cheer and chanted 'wanna' as we released from each others grips.

his hazel eyes watched as I grabbed ahold of the flowers feeling the heat fill my cheeks. his wide smile revealed his perfectly aligned teeth and the dimple resting on his cheek.

"will you go to prom with me?" he spoke to where it was only audible for me to hear. his voice sounded raspy, but it was still attractive.

"of course I will." I smiled wrapping one of my arms back around his neck, embracing him. "thank you, you didn't have to do this."

he pecked the side of my neck gently, "it's the least I could do." he whispered in my ear before his hands slowly slipped from my waist once more.

"is that a yes?" jaden cheered, catching my attention as he pushed to the front of the crowd.

I made eye contact with him smiling and nodding, indicating that it was certainly a yes.

"here let me get a picture for dad." he said pulling his phone out of his pocket.

of course javon chose the day I was dressed in sweats and a graphic sweatshirt to do a promposal.

the two of us positioned ourselves for the picture, jaden snapping a couple before letting us know he was done.

my eyes looked to the crowd of boys as they all started making their way down the hallway.

I looked back to javon who was already eyeing me. "I didn't really think prom was your kind of thing." I admitted as I admired the flowers he had bought for me.

he shrugged as a soft smile took over his lips, "It's not, but you deserve to enjoy prom. and I wasn't planning on having you go with anyone else."

I couldn't erase the wide smile that seemed to be glued onto my face.

but every time I locked eyes with javon I can't erase the scene from the other night out of my head. he hasn't mentioned it to me since that night so I assume he's doing better.

"how are you?" I whispered to him biting my inner lip as we started to walk down the hallway.

"I'm trying to do better." he told me letting his gaze roam to the floor.

"good." I said rubbing my hand up and down his shoulder. "your dad wouldn't want you to be upset."

without saying anything he smoothly interlocked his fingers with mine as he started slowing down his pace. "you should come meet my dad for dinner tonight." he said in a low tone voice. "he's been asking all week when you're coming."

I felt like my heart was about to flutter right out of my chest at his sweet words.

though it wasn't much it didn't fail to make my whole body feel like it's floating.

"I'll be there." I assured him as I felt my cheeks heat up again.

he slowly let the grip of his fingers release from my own. "seven o'clock."

gonna be hitting you all w the updates back to back💘

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