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harlee's pov:

I walked down the dimly lit hallway just ready to be done with junior year.

I want more than anything to get out of here.

the kids at my school care about nothing but themselves, and will do anything to be the 'alphas' around here. 

it's like our school is just dangling by a thread.

and certain people in this building have the ability to make it snap.

any second they want it to.

jaden walton is one of them.

he walked down the hallway his eyes scanning from right to left.

his outfit was nothing too special. just along the same lines of what he wears everyday. black joggers, a navy blue long sleeved shirt, and black yeezy slides, completing his outfit.

I've never talked to jaden but it's quite clear he's the most quiet of the trio. his reputation and ego isn't as high as the others.

but what I do know about jaden is, he knows just what words to say to a girl. and exactly how to say them. he holds his eye contact fairly well, making sure he's satisfied by the end of the day.

he's the silent killer.

ethan woods.

walking down the hallway wearing grey sweatpants, a plain red hoodie, and grey nike slides.

if you're not liked by ethan then it's safe to say, you're not liked by anyone.

he's a powerful person.

he can get away with anything he does, because people like him.

he's a suck up to teachers and with his flirty personality and good looks it causes people to be easily attracted to him.

his light brown hair sat on his forehead, as his crystal blue eyes stared straight ahead of him. not phased by anyone.

and lastly, javon walton.

people call him "wanna", apparently it's his nickname.

javon is loved at this school for many reasons, and majority of them happen to be the wrong reasons.

one of them is boxing. he's won the state championship for our school freshman, and sophomore year.

so everyone's pretty much relying on him to win this year. especially since our school has never had a boxing prodigy before.

he was on the other side of ethan pursing his lips together.

he wore a white hoodie and a red flannel on top. light wash jeans and red air jordan ones.

whether you like it or not javon makes his mark in everyone's life. it may be good or bad.

he will always make sure he is on top, and is willing to do whatever to get there.

he doesn't like people telling him what to do; and he most definitely doesn't like to be underestimated.

he narrowed his eyebrow, which has a slit it in, his eyes following the group of girls that just passed beside them.

it's truly disgusting how the guys at this school treat girls.

javon, mainly.

he just ended things with his girlfriend of four months, and I have already heard that he's been with five girls since.

the problem with these three boys is they know they're attractive. and they're going to use every little thing they can to make sure you bow down to them at the end of the day.

"hey," my best friend klai said, snapping me out of my daze.

"hey." I said tilting my head towards her, trying to forget about my trance of thoughts. "where's rylee?"

rylee was one of klai's friends she met in a class last semester. she was new and sort of followed klai around.

she's nice to me so I don't see the problem with her.

"she said she was going to meet us at lunch, she had a dental appointment." her voice said dragging out.

I nodded not really caring, "oh okay."

the bell for class rang through the halls, causing all of the students to speed up their walking.

"bye klai," I mumbled turning into my classroom as she walked further down the hallway.

only a couple more months, then it's summer.

I can do this.

hey you guys! sorry for such a short chapter but I promise they get longer and more interesting. this was just kind of like an introduction to the characters. hope y'all enjoyed!!

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