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harlee's pov:
sunday night

after the other night I had to let myself know that, that feeling wasn't right.

that feeling I had for javon was not right.

I left the party as quickly as I could that night. trying to avoid any other confrontation with him.

he's been snapping me too.. trying to get me to open them. which I have, but I haven't been responding back.

I'm just trying to make sure I do the right thing before I can make a wrong decision.

like at the party.

so many things could've gone wrong.

it's like slowly he's getting in my head, and whatever tactic he's using. it's working.

the way I felt the other night wasn't normal for me. I've never felt that kind of tension from anyone before.

and I know he's getting to me because I never have had these kind of emotions for a guy.

I'm just like all the other girls, except he's got a deal on me.

the only reason I'm following through with the deal is because of klai. I don't want to let her down after we've hyped up getting back at sidney.

javon has had multiple chances to make a move on me since we've been, 'dating'. but it's like he wants me to make the first move.

but I'm not.

he's sneaky.

and not the good kind of sneaky. the terrifying kind.

I don't want to come through as vulnerable to him, because I don't want to be seen as one of his toys.

but from his past experiences, I know this exactly how he plays his game.

he's smooth with his actions and words. he'll act like there's something there for you when there really isn't.

everybody says he only cares about himself, and I believed in that rumor.

until now at least.

there's one part of me that keeps trying to convince myself that those people don't know what they're talking about, but it's hard when it's happening right in my face.

I guess there's just a piece of me that actually wants him to NOT be the guy he's known for being.

but that's impossible.

it would be nice to have someone who actually cares about you.

because it's never happened to me before, not in a romantic way.

and I don't think it ever will.

my phone vibrated for the tenth time in the past fifteen minutes. I immediately assumed it was javon.

ever since this morning he's been non stop blowing up my phone, and it's getting a little ridiculous at this point.

typing in my password I opened snapchat, seeing I had a notification from jaden walton.

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