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011,  caught

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011,  caught

          MONTHS WENT by and slowly but surely everything was going back to normal

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          MONTHS WENT by and slowly but surely everything was going back to normal. Lēia and Lo'ak were closer than ever, the couple rarely ever being apart from one another.

          But deep down, Lēia had a bad feeling about a certain someone. Everytime she saw him, he always seemed to have this lingering guilt around him. He knew Lēia was catching onto him. He avoided the girl at all costs, but when his bestfriend was dating the girl, it was hard to not be around her.

          One night, Lēia woke up to the sound of grunting coming from close by. She exited her mauri, noticing the boy collecting a load of food, supplies and blankets. He loaded it into the boat Kiri and Lo'ak made for him. Lēia watched from afar as he floated away. She hurried back into her mauri, where Lo'ak was sleeping. "Lo'ak." She whispered, shaking the boy. He groaned slightly as he opened his eyes. "Yes?"

          "Spider has just left." She whispered as Lo'ak's eyes widened. "Come, we have to follow him." Lēia contiuned as the couple quickly hurried out of the mauri. Thankfully, Spider was still in sight as Lēia quietly called an ilu over, Lo'ak getting onto it first as Lēia sat behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist.


          By now, they was outside of the reef, deep within the seas of Pandora. They watched as Spider pulled his boat onto the shore. Lēia and Lo'ak climbed off of the ilu, ducking their bodies into the water so only their eyes were visible. In the distance, they noticed a small hut. Spider grabbed all the supplies he had loaded into his boat and dragged it to the door of the hut. The sound of a knock was the only thing to be heard as Lēia and Lo'ak anxiously waited for it to open.

          Lēia's eyes widened as the door opened, revealing Quaritch. Lēia immediately grabbed Lo'ak's hand, squeezing it in a comforting matter. Spider walked in, the sound of laughter coming from the hut as Quaritch closed the door.

          Lo'ak stood up, the boy not taking his eyes off of the hut. Lēia felt scared by how emotionless he seemed as he held his hand out to her, pulling her up. Not a word was spoke as they climbed onto the ilu, slowly making their way back home. Lēia was worried for what was to come out of what they had just seen, but she knew it wasn't going to be good.


          The next morning was tense as Spider came over to Lo'ak, Lēia, Aonung, Rotxo and Kiri, the boy acting as though nothing had happened. "Tell me, Miles, where'd you go last night?" Lo'ak asked, his voice eerily calm. The group was shocked by the use of the boys real name. Spider swallowed harshly, the boys eyes flickering from the knife Lo'ak was sharpening back up to his eyes.

          "Nowhere, why bro?" Lēia could read Spider like a book, she immediately noticed his rigged breaths and the small beads of sweat laid across his forehead. He couldn't maintain any eye contact, the boy blinking more than usual.

          "Liar." Lo'ak darkly spoke, throwing the knife that was in his hand onto the palm tree beside Spider, skimming the boys ear. Spider hissed in pain, wiping the blood from his ear.

           "Lo'ak what are you doing?!" Kiri exclaimed, rushing over to Spider's side. The newfound commotion attracted the attention of Jake and Neytiri, who hurried over.

          "Come on Miles, tell her where you was last night." Lo'ak contiuned, standing up as he went to walk over to Spider, but Jake stopped him. "Hurry up Miles, my patience is running low." Lo'ak seethed, grabbing another knife from his belt. By now, a big crowd was formed around the group as everyone eagerly waited for Spider to speak.

          "I went to see my dad, so what?" Spider bite back, the boy suddenly gaining his confidence back. Kiri stepped away from the boy, the girl going into shock. Lēia looked over to Jake and Neytiri, who both looked like they was going to loose their mind.

           "And who's your dad, huh?" Lo'ak contiuned, getting up in the boys face. Everyone knew who Spider's dad was, but Lo'ak wanted to hear him say it. So everyone knew he was a betrayer. "Huh?" Lo'ak shouted, slamming Spider's head into the palm tree. Spider hissed in pain, his eyes landing on Jake who he thought would step in and stop Lo'ak, but he didn't.

           "Quaritch." Spider breathed out, making eye contact with Lo'ak. Shivers went down Spider's spine. Lo'ak looked crazy. The boy's face was emotionless but yet held so much anger at the same time.

           Jake slowly stepped forward, looking down at Spider. "Did you save him?" Jake whispered. Spider stayed quiet, avoiding any eye contact. Lo'ak was sick on playing games. He held the knife in his hand up to Spider's throat, the human's breath hitching. "Yes. Look, i'm sorry. I'm so—" Lo'ak laughed, moving the knife away from the boys neck.

          "Your not sorry. Neteyam treated you like a brother, he saved your life. And how'd you pay him back? By saving his killer." Lo'ak seethed, bending down in front of the boy. He pointed the knife in his face as he spoke, "Your going to take us back to the hut, and maybe then, i'll consider sparing your pathetic life."


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