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I can't exactly say how many weekends I've spent with Jay over the pass month.After that one date in September,we kinda became inseparable.We talk about music,text each other,study(I never),just about everything non-stop everyday.The homies,well Mb comes to visit him,every other week.Which makes Roxi even more excited to see Prod,her future boyfriend.

Well,not this week...

So there's a category 2 hurricane coming.Since the last hurricane we've had,it's been pretty bad so we decided to get the car.Which is parked at the hotel,and also where the keys are.A old 1970's canary yellow Bug,she bought from Ms.Rosa from across the hall at home.I'm not sayin' its ugly,old,or I hate it,just its a love-hate kinda car.Its old and vintage,which Jay would definitely love.

"Um you think we all can fit,I mean its a two seater remember!"I complained with Tiger on my hip walking to this thing.I wet and blow dried my hair so I wouldn't have to do much if this hurricane is worse like they say.I'm wearin' "his" sweatshirt,jeans and my black and grey Jordans so if I get wet standin' here I'll be even more pissed.

"Carmen nows not the time for talking!Help me get the bags,the rains starting."My mom panicked.Well we would have been out even earlier if it wasn't for our late decision.I looked back at the rain pouring down now.

"It's about to flood ma!"


I handed it to her,putting Tiger down on his feet.He was busy playing with his toy car Roxi's dad bought him.He claims his boss thought he had a son and gave it to him,but I know that's a lie.You kno he wants my mom and he's a senator he doesn't have a boss?!


I looked up at her looking at the ground floor a few floors under us.

"It's flooding isn't it?"I smirked.

"Don't say I told you so!"she rolled her eyes sarcastically unpacking the trunk now.

"Need some help?"

I turned behind me to a familiar voice.

"I thought we might catch you before you go.They already closed the roads and the flooding is almost inside." Jacobs mom Ms.Teresa smiled.

"We'd love it if you'd hang with us till the hurricanes over."Jay smiled looking directly at me.

"We really wou-"my mom started.

"We really can't."I shrugged.

"It really wouldn't be a bother."his mom smiled.


"But I think it's a great offer that were taking!"My mom narrowed her eyes as we started back inside.

I sighed slowly behind.This could go on for hours,but I'm afraid of what's about to happen in a few days over at Jays.

Well I have to admit,it's not bad like I thought.I mean the lights are all out and we only have huge flashlights because its dark out now.Tigers asleep,our moms are conversing over ice tea,and I'm here,at the window.

"You know it's not safe to stand by the window during a hurricane?"he smirked as I rolled my eyes with a sigh.

"Says ass."I mumbled as he chuckled.

"The radio?"

"Oh so their always right huh?"I grinned sarcastically going over to the dim flashlights kitchen.They have a lot food just in case it's bad.Their pretty good,to say this is their first hurricane.To bad,we didn't leave early!

"Wanna play Monopoly?"he grinned.

"Sure."I said grabbing a orange and my flashlight following him to his room.We walked down the hall passed the bathroom to the second door on the right.I'm pretty sure theres like rockstar posters hangin',clothes everywhere,Star Wars sheets,etc. etc.!But,I'm a little wrong.

"Woow,it's clean?"I nodded crossing my arms walking around as he closed his door chuckling.There are rockstar posters,but surprisingly no Star Wars sheets,just he's got a nice ass room.He turned on some music, Nirvana of course getting the game out of his closet.

"Floor or Bed?"he smirked with the box in his hand.

"Floor."I pointed,sitting down in the middle of his room.

"Ok."he smiled.

"Wanna be the banker?"

"Sure,the banker always wins."I grinned as we began.

"Pick your game piece."I smirked choosing the terrier.

"I choose hat."he grinned.

" bad it can't fit your huge head."I whispered at the end.


"I didn't say nothin'."I dealed out $1500,since that's what your suppose to start with.

"You gave me only 1100?"he complained.

"So?I'm the banker and I say you only get-"I was cut off by his sweet lips.He sorta pushed me back,completely on top of me.I would sit up but I'm too into this.I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing back turning it into a make out session.He grabbed my waist,pressing our bodies uneven closer.I put my fingers threw his hair,moaning a little at how soft it feels.Ugh!I love his hair!I smiled when he pulled away out of breath just as I am. All I could think was WoW....

"What are thinking?"he whispered into my eyes.I looked away,thinking of what's reality.

"Lorenzo....and Mikey...if they found out."I frowned.

"Why do they care?I mean I like you a lot but you seem like you don't feel the same-"

"Look,I..I um do.Its just I don't want you to get hurt so-"

"I don't give a damn about Lorenzo or Mikey kicking my ass."he said pretty serious which I cracked a little."Even if I have to fight or do some other crazy shit.I wanna be with you Carmen."

A tear dropped my eye,unexpectedly.I feel bad,like shit even.

"Why are you crying?"he asked wiping a few tears.

"I'm a liar,I'm selfish even,I-"

"It doesn't matter I'm no different than anyone.Everyone thinks Mindless Behavior's famous and doesn't have to worry about a thing.I left my mom for months to almost a year just to get to where we are now.With splitting money four ways thats not nearly enough.I still don't have it easy because everyone wants something.My career could be over and everyone at school would still hate me.So to be honest I lie to billions of fans all the time depending on the question,I'm a little selfish because I can't help everyone and....."He sighed closing his eyes for a moment.

He made me think.Theres a lot if people right now who have it worse than I do.I might tell him I don't live here or I'm secretly protecting you from wanna-be thugs but.....

"I'm glad I'm stuck with you."I whispered as he looked towards me with a grin,leaning in to kiss me passionately.




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