Coney Island Queen

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Coney island on Saturday,and it could be fun...

Is all that was in mind.Hopefully I won't have to save his ass times three.I meet up with Roxi in the bathroom like we agreed on.She freaked out,Tiger is excited to get a Stewie stuff animal,but for me I just want this thing to be over with.Oh,but if your thinking why do you let your lil bro watch family guy?Ask yourself why do your parents let you watch family guy?!Yeah,that's what I thought.

We both walked out spotting them hangin' out by the side.Jacob had his back towards us so he didn't see us comin' like the rest of his little members.I came up behind him running Tigers stroller into his shoes.His friends laughed while I smirked.

"Heey."he grinned trying to hug me.

"Let's get this over with,don't try anything,and address Roxanne as Roxi."I whispered still holding the stroller handles as he side hugged me.

"So guys I'd like you to meet Carmen and..Roxi."he grinned as we both handshaked everyone.Rox and Prod seemed to have sparkled but a fake tiny cough from Tiger got our attention.

"Oh and this is Tiger,her brother."he chuckled.

"What's so funny Perez?Should I tell them why I'm really here?"

"Ohhh!"they laughed as we started walking.

"I like the matching outfits-"he started.

"Thank you."I and Tiger interrupted with a grin making everyone laugh.

"Do y'all practice stuff like that?"Roc laughed.

"No,but Roxi loves teachin' em' all kinds of ish.She loves lil kids." I grinned.

"Um yeah?"she giggled going along with it.

"So do you have any siblings?"Prod asked her starting up a conversation.

"So what part of New York you from?" Ray Ray asked.

What the F is with all these questions?

"Brooklyn.Anyotha' questions?"I asked a little annoyed watching Prod

"Stewie!Stewie!Stewie!" Tiger pointed while catching my attention.

"All he wants is that thing.Watch em' so I can go get it-"

"Oh no,let me get it for you."Roc offered as Jacob stepped in givin' him a knowing look as they whispered turned away arguing like I couldn't hear.

"I think I should get it?"

"Well I think I can handle myself."I crossed my arms as Prod came up to Tiger with a Stewie stuff animal .

"Here you go lil man." He grinned as Tiger guy-handshaked a thank you.

I know what ya thinkin',you should be teachin' your lil bros or sis the Swagg Tiger has.

"Thanks."I grinned as we continued.Their manger Kenneth and bodyguard Mr.Carter were keeping a close eye on us.It was weird as first like this day but it got better.Jacob rode the carousel with Tiger trying to impress me or to get on his good side but I just laughed taking pictures with my camera.I gotta admit it was a little cute but the light was perfect out today.Roc showed off with Ray playin' high striker ,and of course I yawned walking off to other things.Roxi and Prod watched Tiger while eating the whole time.We played on the bumper cars which I have to admit was fun.We rode the Cyclone roller coaster,did I mention I hate coasters.A sixty degree drop and I clutched to Jacob,a little embarrassed at the end because I showed my weakness.

The wind picked up when we got off but I let the wind blow my hair watching the sky turn a light pink.From the corner of my eye they all were staring.

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