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At the hospital...

I put my head down by his bed hoping he's still alive.The bullet hit the subways side missing us barely.Someone saw the whole thing calling the cops just in time to catch Lorenzo and Mikey.I turned to the side on my head looking up at him.He has a black eye,busted lip,broken nose,broken right rib,a countless number of bruises especially on his back and a sprained ankle.I cried even harder,this is all my fault.If I never would have went out or even started a relationship with him he wouldn't even be like this. I heard someone come in but I didn't care.

"Carmen you know he's going to be ok right?"Ms.Teresa said,gently placing her hand my shoulder.I shook my head letting tears fall.I bet she hates me,even if she won't say it.

"I swear I am truly sorry."I paused.My voice is gone were probably crying.

"I should have never asked them all out without telling you.Its my fault he's like this,it's my fault were even here.I know you hate me but.........I'm in love with your son and I understand if you don't want me near him-"

"Carmen I don't hate you.......things like this will heal.You won't see him at school because Walter and I agreed he'll have to be home schooled again.Were just being safe with the tabloids right now.I'm not stopping you from seeing him but.......calm down.You've been here for two days straight beating your own self up.Not eating,speaking,or leaving this spot,I forgive you if that's what your worried about.He's not dead,he's just sleeping because of the medicine the doctor gave him."

I popped my head up,moving my wet pieces of hair from my cheeks.

"But Ma told me..." I trailed as we looked at her and Mr.Derek come in with food.

"You told her he was dying?!"Jays mom frowned as she shrugged.

"What,she needed some forum of punishment?!"

I shook my head laying it back down.

"Come on sweetie you need to eat."Ms.Teresa said gently,rubbing my back.

"I'm fine,I'm not hungry."I whispered.

Which was not true.....I am hungry,I haven't eaten since that night at TGIF.Its amazing how one night can just change your perspective on a lot of shit.I wasn't lyin' when I said I loved him,because I do.As much as I tried denying it for these pass months,I couldn't.....I just couldn't.

One week later.....

Prince Pov.

It's been about a week in the hospital and I know I'm grounded for life when I get a whole lot better.My bruises are starting to heal,but I still have to get crutches from my ankle and exercise a lot more now.The guys didn't leave on the next day like they were suppose to,but I think it's because their moms might kill them after Walter told them about Friday.He even told Vince who came the day of with Tamar.I'm fine really,just a little worried about Carmen.She's not eating or leaving the hospital,both our moms have to make her.Today she went back to school with Roxi,who is not allowed to go anywhere without her dad.All three of them came by after school seeing if I was still ok.Roxi had to go to the "bathroom",but we all know she wants to see Prod.That's why her dad went with her.We both laughed as she sat down in her usual spot.

"Hey."I chuckled seeing that we were alone. 

"Hey,how you feelin' today?"she grinned. 

"Better."I smiled patting the spot next to me in bed.

"I'm not getting-" 

"PLlllleeeaaassssee."I pouted making her giggle. 

"It would make me feel better." 

She rolled her eyes getting up,kicking off her boots before cuddling up next to me.

"You better not do anything freaky,the door is still open." 

"Oh so if it was closed-" 

"Don't even finish your sentence." 

I chuckled putting my head on top of hers,lacing our fingers.

"How was school?"I asked. 

"Boring.....everyone still hates me for putting you in the hospital." 

"You didnt put me-" 

"It doesn't matter I wanna drop out anyways..."  

"Carmen,you have one year left?Why drop out,what made you think this?"

"I just....."she sighed. 

"I'm not going to be a professional photographer.I might just help my mom out and get a job,probably ending up just like her in the future..." 

"Umm What?"I asked confused.I thought her mom stayed at their suite?She sighed frustrated like she was debating on telling me something.

"No Jay she's a-"she started before Walter knocked in. He and Vince talked  about whats going to happen with MB last night.I know they both have been dieing to talk to Carmen,which scares me.What if they make us break up,or worse tell her I choose my career over her.She would kill me!I was right about Walter wanting to talk to Carmen,but that was almost over an hour ago now.I looked up from my lunch(I should have eaten hours ago,damn meds)at him shaking his head over to a chair like he was stressed out.

"Your girlfriend...." He started as I chuckled knowing exactly what hes about to say.

"I know,she's difficult,hard to get threw to,a little bossy,a lot of attitude?"

"Took the words right out of me."

We laughed but he gave a serious look with a sigh.I hate it when he does that.

"I understand you like it here, but......... you have to move back to La.Its safer,so things like this wouldn't happen.Your months long break is over,I'm still trying to figure out if you will be better by the time we start touring again really have no choice here Prince.I know it's not fair to move you this month with Christmas and New Years close.So by the beginning or middle of February you should be moving.Your mom agreed with everything,she was just concerned about you.But,that should give you enough time to tell her if that's what your worried about...." He went on but I blocked most of it.Enough time to "Tell her"?Does he know Carmen?!She'll never speak to me ever again.I don't even think she'll see me....I closed my eyes,heated,losing my appetite as well.What the hell was I going to tell Carmen when the time comes.She just told me she loved me!Coming from a girl who hated me in the beginning.....that means everything...







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