Hawaii Manic

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Hawaii Manic...

Carmen Pov.

Even the thought of crying can't seem to bring tears.It's been three months and two days since it happened.I'm better since I can't physically cry like I used to.I've passed my junior year along with Rox,mostly spending my time with her and at the hotel.Derek even took us to Hawaii for summer vacation after it ended.

"What time is it?
It's our vacation
What time is it?
Party time
That's right, say it loud!"Roxi sang in front of me watching her High school Musical performance at school on my new iPad by the pool.Of course I took pictures for the yearbook and school newspaper.I sighed glancing over at Tiger smashing flowers in a bush across from us. I was lazing around on the beach chair getting tanner as the sun went down.Two weeks have definitely gone by fast and I haven't even left the hotel like I planned to two weeks ago.I should take pictures of the tropical flowers or that volcanos thing Ma wants to go to so badly.I don't care really,it's just Hawaii and tomorrows our last day here anyways.

"I think their back,I'll go ask if we can get our nails done tomorrow."Roxi said before leaving.Whats the point,we could just hire a nail groupie to do our nails every two weeks.I turned away from the sunset adjusting my sunglasses trying to get some kind of peace.

"Carwen?"Tiger asked as I payed him no mind having my eyes closed.


"I bought yous a flower to make yous feel betta.I'm sowy about Jacup."he said sweetly holding out a red hibiscus.I wiped my face with a smile in months,hugging him tightly.

"Your the best and number one guy in my life,which no one could ever take your place."I managed as our mother walked up sitting down next to us.She picked up Tyler combing down his curly hair in her lap.

"Are you having fun?"she asked for the billionth time this week.

"Yes."I lie,every time which she knows.

"Cariño,you got to do something!We leave tomorrow,and you haven't taken photos or venture-"

"Alright Ma!I got it!Me and Rox were goin' to a restaurant tonight and surfin' tomorrow."

"Okay,but be safe please."

"It's downstairs in the hotel ma."I rolled my eyes laying back down.

"Okay,you don't have to give attitude."she pointed petting my hair.

"I know it's been rough lately but how would you feel if.....me and Derek got engaged?"

I looked straight ahead not really thinking they were this serious.I mean they laugh and play like two high schoolers not hurting each other emotionally.When their together it's like their magnets that click and link together.He's strong like a man should be,and she's always by his side no matter what the media says about him or us.For the first time in my life I feel she's happy and it may be a little soon but I approve.

"It's cool."I nodded not giving any emotion.

"Okay...I'll talk to you later with both you and Roxi okay."she smiled getting up with Tyler on her hips.

"Okay."I whispered wanting to be alone.

I had a major tan but It still looked great and I think I might take a walk before it gets to dark out here.I slipped on my jeans shorts and pullover,holding my flip flops in my hand.I have no clue where my phone is but I haven't cared for it in months.

"Carmen!Wait up!"Roxi yelled from behind.I sighed as she caught up still on the iPad on to something new.

"Okay so is it okay if we ditch the whole dinner for two thing?!I wanna boys and go clubbing or drinking!"she agonized as I stopped taking off my shades slapping her.

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