chapter 14

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~when you run you can't look back. the second you do. your. dead.~


I did not know far I ran but I could not stop I did no want to stop I could not let my angel stay there and be treated the way her parents did, so I ran.

I did not think of the consequences I just thought of her safety the, safety of my pretty beast, the one who I was supposed to spend my life with. Screw her idiot parents she did not need them nor did I.

Her own parents were going to take her to her death, I could not let that happen they gave me until she awakened ,but after she awakened she would not fall into their hands. I would hide her until my last breath the last time I saw her face, the last time......... I would not stop until she was far away.

So here we are in a forest a forest not familiar with me I didn't care where I was going I just wanted to get her out of there.

"Chase "she said, her voice cracked with weakness, she struggled to look around while I carried her bridal style through the forest.

"its OK love, I got you" I bunched my muscles as I heard a sound... a horse?

"storm!" she called and jumped out my arms and shifted to a hires and met him, they Nuzzled causing me to get pissed. they both shifted and I say a boy, a bit shorter than me.

"I have come to help you" he claimed. "I know the way."

"we are suppose to trust Vincent's lover" I hissed. He glared at me.

"I belong to velvet, my mate." he sneered at me. "shut your mouth hunter, you will never have her." he grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. I spat on the ground and followed as they started walking. on occasions, I saw then giggle and kiss. That man whore. I didn't say anything, I just quietly followed.

"storm, I have to tell you something" he cocked his head to one side.

"yes love?" she whispered in his ear and suddenly he had a glare all over his face.

"arrghh" he huffed. he shifted and ran ahead.

Kayla stopped and weeped in her hands. "he hates me."

"what is it?" she shook her head and continued to walk,neither of the. saying a word. storm was angry at whatever had happened.

"stop" he ordered. We did as told. "Babe, here they are." None other than Vincent appeared.

"you jackass!" I shouted and ran for him. Vincent knocked me on my ass.

"Don't touch my man" he hissed. Kayla's eyes widened.

"storm?" she said slowly. The jackass glared at her.

"My name is vex, never call me that again" he seemed very pissed. "Your betrayal was enough!"

"I didn't want it to happen!" he shut her mouth with a quick 'save it' and came to me. Something sharp hit the back of my head and blackness engulfed me as I heard those words.

"Storm, its not my fault!"

"It is, and I'll kill it too!"

kill what?

"Storm, I love you" who said that, I can't tell?

"I know, and call me vex" my fear, had Kayla said that? did she love another? my dreams are coming true! I'm losing her......

'she slipping from my grasp, my heart broken, all this pain'

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