Chapter 16

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I was tied to a stake in the middle of a large arena. A magic circle drawn around me. "As soon as I awaked....the men in black Vincent had been talking to would do a rutiual, to use my powers for who knows what.

Please don't awaken...

It dosent work that way. I heard my demon say.

Stop it please! He was gone. My body jerked as the power inside of me wanted to rip loose. I cried out in agony every time my body moved. I had heard roari g in the distance but my I was in to much pain to pay attention. My back cracked and my spine moved.

I saw feathers appearing...I cringed and held it back. In a matter of hours the men in black would be here, and I would be their tool...their toy.....I hoped the world was ready for whatever they planned to do.


"Mark I assure you the halfling is awakening now" mark the leader on the men in black tapped his foot.

"So how strong is she?" He pursed his lips.

"Strong enoilugh to destroy a whole planet if you concentrate her energy" in the distance we both heard her cries of pain from awakening.

"How long until she's ready to use?"

"Five hours, what do you plan to do?" Vince spotted vex sleeping in a chair soundly.

"Let's just five hours this world won't exist...and the magical creatures will rule" a wicked smile spread across his face. "Amagin the screams of more than 7billion humans" I shuddered and I looked at vex.

"What about horse shifters?" I asked worried.

"Don't worry...your lover counts as one of us...he will witness history"

~rack~ the first hour...four hours till elimation.

Rack stopped using his magic to hear Vincent and mark. "Four hours to kill her" he said slowly.

"Four should be enough?" Nick inquired. Rack shook his head.

"Not if she's guarded" I didn't want to hurt chases woman, but it had to be done.

"Nick you piece of shit, you want to kill our daughter!" I glance over at my mate and narrowed my eyes. I gave rack the signal... I would not have her stopping me.

Rack blasted her with magic putting her to sleep. "I'm sorry love...but that monster was never our daughter"

I sniffed the air and started towards Kayla's sent. About a few minutes later I saw her. In the middle of a pit staked. Her body was shaking and I saw the tip of a horn sprouting out from her demon side.

Its time.

I bunched my.muscles and made a super human jump to her from yards away.

"N-nick" she breathed. My chest wolf though of her as offspring...but my mind knew she wasn't.

"You die now" to my surprise she nodded and closed her eyes. My hand formed claws and I held them to her neck. "Goodbye halfling." I was about to strike her when and angry roar can from behind me.

"So he's a cursed hunter" I mumbled as the white dragon landed in front of me...rows of deadly teeth aimed for my head. "Chase you know this is best" he roared in response and lunged at me.

I had to fight him and time was running out.

Half Demon Half Angle (complete)Where stories live. Discover now