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A man a women looked over the field they'd fled to. There was little cover except from the long grass. The woman started to cried but bit her lip to stay silent. The man rubbed her back and whispered reasurence.

He cuddled the baby he was carrying closer to his chest. He looked over at his mate with sadden eyes. The woman sniffed and huffed closer to her daughter for the last time.

The woman's blue eyes looked like glass. They had been full of live but now dule.

The mans red eyes had be bright like red dimomds twinkling in the sun light. Now they were dark and broken hearted at the thought of never knowing his one week old daughter.

They both had had one week after the child was born to be with her before the council found out and started hunting them for breaking the rules.

The man held the woman in his other arm. He would follow his mate to life or death.

The woman and man looked at awe as their baby girl opened its eyes.

One eyes blue, the brightest blue they could be. She had a little angle wing on one side and a demons Wing on the other. It looked like a dragons Wing.

On her demon side she had a red eye with a red scar under it. And a fang slightly visible.

Her hair was white on one side and black on the other.

The woman and man looks at their pride and joy. The sweat and tears pouring.

Then a yelled ripped through the air.

"I found them"! Distant Wing beats got louder and more frantic.

The woman had pure horror in her blue eyes she cried thinking about her baby girl being alone. The man kissed her head then his daughters head.

"Don't forget your name my child" the woman whispered in her tears.

"Starrs for the angle part of you" she said smiling.

"And guard for the demon part" the man grunted proudly.


The man placed the baby on the ground hiding her In grass that would cover her scent.

"Remember that you'll always be our little girl." The man grunted holding back tears.

The Wing beats become nearer

"We will always be pround of you and watch over you" she woman cried. She buries her face in her mates chest.

He held her and kissed her hair. They both spread their wings and took off.

A few minutes later shrieks could be heard. Screams and ripping and cheers. The wing beasts left leaving the scent of blood on the air.

The parents had completed their goal as their precious bundle lay in the grass.

The baby cries when a shadow appeared over it.

Where was its mommy? Instead of see her calming blue eyes. She saw big brown ones.

The baby looked over at the new man. Where was her daddy? Instead of seeing her fathers playful red eyes she saw scary black ones.

The new man mummered to the new woman. The new woman nodded and lifted her hand over the baby.

All her angle\demon features disappeared. Now she looked human.

After the magic settled gone was the babies powers that could not be hid forever. Gone was the memories of angles and demons. Gone was the memories of her parents. As the baby fell into a deep sleep.

Her new world was waiting. A world without magic. A world were magical creatures couldn't exsist. The human world.

Hey girls and guys. What did you think of the intro, I cryed writting this so I hope you like :)

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