Chapter 56 - Tense situation

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Elektra's pov:

I got out feeling absolutely frustrated. All my dreams came crashing down like paper towers. Everyone and everything was against me. Why is everyone so judgmental? I have every right to reject my mate. Who are they who think they can judge everyone? I know that what I did was a terrible mistake but I never said I was infallible!

Alexander came towards me looking very worried.

-"Well?" he asked frustrated.

-"Unfortunately they didn't give me any answer" I replied defeatedly.

-"What? Why?"

-"They said that what I did was sacrilege and they don't owe me any explanation" I explained.

-"That's preposterous!" he exclaimed in annoyance and headed towards the cabin where all the elders were gathered.

-"Wait! What are you doing?" I asked him as he walked away without paying any attention to me.

-"Let him. He might achieve more than you, he is very respected by the elders," Anaxagoras told me.

-"I hope you are right" I said full of hope.

Two hours passed and Alexander was still in the cabin. What were they talking about all this time? I waited and waited until my patience ran out. I felt frustrated and impatient. I wanted to know what was going on in there. Honestly, I didn't expect the elders to change their minds about our situation.

Another hour passed, with me becoming more and more restless. Anaxagoras had left hours ago leaving me alone to fight with my demons. As I didn't know anyone in the village I remained in my spot.

Although we were in the middle of spring it was a chilly afternoon but I wasn't cold. My anxiety was so high that all I was thinking about was how the day was going to end. Several minutes passed in absolute silence when I felt a presence behind me. I immediately turned around and met Alexander.

-"Hey" I told him.

-"Hi" he said in a flat way.

-"Well? What happened? What did the elders tell you?"

-"Nothing......" he replied coldly.

-"Nothing? What do you mean by nothing?" I wondered irritated.

-"We didn't discuss about our matter....."

-"Then what took you so long?" I asked agitated. I was sure that Alexander was hiding something from me.

-"We discussed things that concerned the packs"

-"Oh, I see" I said in a sarcastic way.

-"We'd better go" Alexander said and started walking towards the path.

-"Wait!" I said in vain while Alexander has already sped up without sparing me a single glance.

All the way down we didn't exchange a single word. Alexander was very quiet and serious. It was obvious that he was in no mood for conversation. I respected his wish and didn't ask him anything else, although I was dying to know more about his conversation with the elders.

We got into the car and Alexander started the engine and accelerated. He was so focused on the road that I felt he even forgot my presence.

After a while we arrived at the Silver Dawn Pack. Alexander parked his jeep and got out without waiting for me breaking my heart into several pieces.

A week passed with me spending most of my time in my room while Alexander arranged visits to the other packs. Roxanne reassured me that it was just a phase that would soon pass, but I wasn't so optimistic. Deep down, I knew that since I rejected him something had irrevocably changed between us. Alexander was distant and cold towards me and at that moment I knew that I could not change things in my favor.

I was fooling around in my bedroom when an omega came to inform me that Alexander wanted to see me in his office. I stood up abruptly. I was wearing an old sweater and some gym pants but I had no time to change. I checked myself in the mirror and headed towards the office. I knocked on the door and after hearing Alexander's sweet voice, I entered.

-"Good evening" I said with a wide smile. Whenever I was near him, I felt lighter and happier.

-"Good evening" Alexander said with his face into the files he was reading without sparing me a singly glance.

-"How are you?" I dared to ask. His neat and collected look was a stark contrast to mine which was neglected and tacky. I immediately felt ashamed of myself. Once again Alexander was showing what a true leader he is, while I once again made a fool of myself. My current state was nothing like the energetic and independent girl I used to be.

-"Fine" he said curtly and continued "I've called you here because I would like to know your intentions"

-"My intentions?" I wondered incredulously.

-"Yes, your intentions about your future movements"

-"What are you trying to tell me?"

-"I am asking you directly if you intend to live here or return to your old pack" he explained coldly.

-"What? How can you ask me such a thing? I am your mate. Did you forget?" I exclaimed in annoyance.

-"No, you forgot it when you rejected me Elektra" he said venomously.

-"I.....I didn't do it on purpose. I....I was confused. Doubts had taken over me" I tried to justify myself.

-"Doubts? About what? What for?" he asked in annoyance.

-"About your feelings for me" I said looking him straight in the eyes.

-"Your doubts were unfounded. I didn't have nor did I give you any right to think this way" he said sternly.

-"I know now" I confessed ashamed.

-"It's a bit late, don't you think?" he wondered in a sarcastic way.

-"I....I" I tried to say between sobbing.

-"Anyway you have three days to decide whether you live here or to your old pack"

-"Are you kicking me away?" I managed to ask.

-"No, of course not. Whatever you decide, you will be always welcome here. I am not going to deprive you from your birth rights. You belong to the Silver Dawn pack after all" he said in a majestic manner.

-"I.....I'll let you know" I said with my head down heading towards the door. My mind was a mess. I had so many questions to ask but decided not to. It was obvious that Alexander had already made up his mind. He had quietly accepted my rejection and didn't want me as his mate anymore. He would let me stay here only because of my origin. He told me clearly. My head started spinning while I tried to return to my room with great difficulty.

I reached my bedroom with a broken heart. I knew I had provoked the current situation, yet I couldn't come to terms with the idea that we weren't mates anymore. I have lost Alexander forever due to my immaturity and stupidity.

I fell into my bed and started crying until sleep overtook me.

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