Chapter 40 - Revelations

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Elektra's pov:

Two days have passed in absolute boredom. My days were spent in the cabin and around it while my father was always out. Where he went all day and what he did during his absence I'll never know... We only met at lunch and dinner without mentioning anything. I started to feel very frustrated. I couldn't be locked anymore. I wanted to get back to my pack and take on my responsibilities. When I expressed my thoughts, father always managed to reassure me by telling me that it would all be over soon.

I really don't know how he's going to pull it off. He's a fugitive, everyone in the country is after him, a big bounty is on his head, yet he's sure everything will be fine and he'll continue with his life just like that. I'm starting to think he's completely crazy.

-"Father what you are doing all day?" I wondered.

-"I have a lot to take care of......" he said in a strict way.

-"Can I help somehow?" I asked.

-"No" he said sternly and abruptly got up.

-"Father, wait" I said while I stood up.

-"What?" he said and turned around to face me. He looked angry.

-"I want to do something. I just can't stay here all day doing nothing" I said frustrated.

-"What do you want?" he asked coldly.

-"I want to return to the pack" I said decisively.

-"Jordan is there" he said strictly.

-"How long will I stay here?" I asked frustrated. I'm sick of this bullshit. I wasn't willing to put up with this situation any longer. My father is out of his mind if he thinks I'm going to stay here while Jordan runs my pack.

-"As long as it takes" he said coldly, turned around and left.

What was that? Why was he acting so hostile? What did I do to him? It is clear that for some inexplicable reason he doesn't want me to return to our pack but why?

Although I called for him he never turned back. He left the cabin and after he shifted to his wolf he headed to the woods. I was left alone once again filled with tons of questions.

The night came too quickly with me spending the whole evening outside wandering around collecting fruits and nuts. Father was not back yet and I ate some fruits to fill my empty belly. It was eleven at night when I decided not to wait for him anymore and eat my dinner. I finished my food and after washing the dishes I headed to my bedroom and lay down on my bed. I didn't feel sleepy but waiting for my father in bed was more comfortable than sitting in the chair.

Hours passed and around midnight sleep finally took over me. I woke up the next day, but father was nowhere to be found. I got up, put on my clothes and went to the kitchen to make coffee and eat something. I made some cookies yesterday and was eager to try them. Being here so many days managed to wake the cook inside me.

I passed all the day literally without doing anything important. I was fed up with the whole situation. I decided to go for a run. Frostie was restless too. I shifted to my wolf giving her full control and headed to the forest. I spent my whole day wandering in the woods. I walked around enjoying the view, the dense vegetation, the sun and the trees. It was a wonderful spring day. Flowers had bloomed everywhere and birds were chirping flying from tree to tree.

When the sun set I decided to return to the cabin as I wasn't familiar with the woods here and didn't know what lurked in the dark. After half an hour I arrived outside the hut, shifted back to my human form and got in. When I entered the hut, I was surprised to see the place overturned.

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