Chapter 14 - The Good Samaritan

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Third person pov:

She raised her head and met a handsome man standing in front of her. It was obvious that he was a high-ranking wolf. His aura was very strong, she could tell. He was very tall with a well-built body. His hair was blonde. Despite his strength, he exuded a strange feeling of kindness. She just could not avoid her gaze from him.

-"Hi......Are you ok?" the man asked. The girl continued to look at her feet without saying a word. She was wrapped up in herself trembling.

-"Please don't be afraid I am not gonna hurt you" he reassured her. The girl continued ignoring him avoiding eye contact.

Alexander continued "What's your name?"

-" name" the girl couldn't finish her sentence and started crying loudly.

-"What has happened to you? Why did you try to kill yourself?" the handsome man asked in concern.

-"N...nothing sir! I am......... fine!" she replied timidly lowering her head in shame.

-"You are hurt!" Alexander insisted.

-"I'm ....I'm......." she couldn't utter a single word and started sobbing again. She was in shock. The man approached her trying to examine her wounds. She took a few steps back, coiling herself.

-"It's ok.....I am not gonna hurt you......" he said trying to sooth her. "Please let me take you to the hospital. You don't look good" the man insisted.

-"" the girl said timidly and tried to leave. Although he seemed kind she couldn't trust him, not after what happened to her a few hours ago........

-"A woman is coming and will accompany you to the hospital. Are you ok with that?" the man explained kindly.

-"I.......I have to leave.....Please don't tell my Alpha of what you saw....He.....he .will.......... ...pp..punish me....." the girl said between sobbing.

-"Don't worry about your Alpha. I will take care of it" the man said imposingly. Steps were heard and a tall and very beautiful woman appeared. She was wearing black tight leggings with a black jacket on top. Her black hair was tied in a bun. Her face was round with cheekbones highlighting it.

-"Alpha you called!" she said and bowed.

-"Yes Alina, I want you to accompany this girl to the hospital. Don't let her out of your sight and report immediately for whatever arises" Alexander said imposingly.

-"Don't worry Alpha" Alina said and gently approached the girl. "I am Alina. Don't worry I will take care of you! What is your name?"

The girl apparently felt more comfortable with Alina's presence and replied.

-"Ca....Cassandra...." the girl said scared. Alina stroke her back gently.

-"Don't worry Cassandra...everything will be fine.... Please come with me!" Alina reassured her. Then she helped her rise and led her to back to the pack premises.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At the hospital

-"Miss. Alina this girl was abused and raped. She is also underage" the doctor said in a serious tone.

-"Oh my Goddess" Alina said covering her mouth.

-"She is in a shock and she will need psychological support. We will keep her for another day to run some more tests for precautionary reasons"

-"I see. Did you manage to find out who done this to her?" Alina asked.

-"No, unfortunately her current psychological state didn't allow it" the Doctor replied and continued "Please do not push her. She is very fragile at the moment".

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