Chapter 58 - Seperate Ways

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Elektra's pov:

One year has already passed and I was happy with my new life. I decided to leave packs and live among people and chose Halifax to be the city I live in from now on. It is a very beautiful city near the sea. I got a job in a big company and managed to make some friends. My life was very different now and I loved how things turned out.

Sometimes, especially in the evenings, my mind wandered to my old life and Alexander, but I quickly pushed those thoughts away. I had no intention of returning to my old life.

When Roxanne realized that I wasn't going to return she confessed to me that Alexander didn't even bother to search for me. Since then I decided to move on with my life and live like a common human.

Roxanne's pov:

I was so happy that Elektra was able to turn her life around. Living away from your mate is not an easy task. I know the pain it can cause and I admire Elektra for her courage and inner strength. This is why I haven't mentioned Alexander's poor condition lately. I heard he's not doing too well. Ever since Elektra left he kept to himself. There were many times when I was ready to tell him the truth but I always changed my mind at the last minute. Elektra didn't deserve my betrayal. I liked Alexander but Elektra was like daughter to me. I loved her very much to hurt her.

Actually she invited me to visit her at Halifax next week, an invitation that I accepted with joy. I told David that I would visit some old cousins at a nearby pack. Apart from me no one knew where Elektra was. I took the plane and in two hours I had reached Halifax. Elektra was waiting for me at the airport. I had a hard time to recognize her before she approached me. Her hair was cut; her clothes and style were completely different. She was astonishing!

-"Roxanne!" she shouted enthusiastically as she approached me and hugged me.

-"My girl how much I've missed you!"

-"Me too"

-"Let's have a coffee" she proposed and together we headed to one of the airport's cafes.

-"Well how are you?" I asked.

-"Actually I am quite well. I like my new life! Living among humans is very different" she said enthusiastically.

-"I see" I managed to say.

-"So how are things back in the pack? How is David?"

-"Against all odds, David proved to be a very capable and worthy Alpha. He reconstructed the Black Shadow pack and managed to make it the first pack among the others. He regained the other pack's respect and cleaned our name. No one accuses or isolates us for Bartholomew's actions. A new era is upon us."

-"I am glad! I knew David would succeed. He looks nothing like his father"

-"He is trying really hard. Every day he works and trains for many hours! I think he follows your example"

-"Noooo, don't underestimate him, he's more than he looks" she said proudly. "Well today is my day off. I suggest going for a city tour. What do you think?"

-"What are we waiting for?" I said as I got up making us both laugh.

We had an incredible time! Elektra showed me around and taught me a lot about Halifax. I avoided the topic of Alexander as I didn't want to spoil the good atmosphere that existed between us. But sooner or better I had to tell her!

Elektra's pov:

Seeing Roxanne again was very refreshing for me. Even though I was able to make a new start here, I miss my old life. Roxanne is the link between my past and my present. I was glad to see her and spent time with her. I avoided asking about Alexander although I am sure she keeps touch with him. After I left, I decided to leave everything behind. Now I see clearly that my bond with Alexander was doomed from the start. I am now convinced that what I felt was just a crash. Perhaps our Goddess was wrong to join us in this bond or perhaps we were not worthy to keep and preserve the gift we were given.

These are all things of the past and I firmly believe that they should no longer concern me. I have already moved on in every aspect of my life both professionally and personally. In the last few months I met a very handsome and kind man, Andros. Andros is a wolf like me who left his pack and decided to live among humans. We met at a meeting our companies had and immediately knew there was something going on between us. After a few dates we realized we had a lot in common besides being of the same species. I talked about Roxanne's visit to Andros and he was eager to meet her. So I decided to surprise Roxanne at dinner by introducing Andros to her.

Evening came, the sun had set a few minutes ago and Roxane and I were getting ready to go out. I told her that we were having dinner at a fancy restaurant tonight and that I had a surprise for her.

I have arranged for Andros to meet us there as soon as we arrived.

We entered the restaurant where a man was waiting in the main hall. We informed him of our reservation while he asked a waiter to escort us to the table.

As we approached our table we saw Andros sitting on and smiling at us. I reciprocated his smile while Roxanne looked at us confused.

-"This is Roxanne I've told you so much about, Andros" I said beaming while he was already standing up.

-"What...what's going on here my child?" Roxanne asked puzzled.

-"Roxanne this is my surprise. I want you to meet Andros"

-"Nice to meet you, sir" Roxanne said offering her hand to him for a handshake.

-"Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Roxanne"

-"Oh my goddess! Stop being so formal, both of you!" I said between laughs and then continued to do the introductions.

-"Andros is my boyfriend and Roxanne is like mother to me" I said while Roxanne was looking at me with astonishment.

-"Your...your boyfriend?" Roxanne asked incredulously.

-"Yes!" I confirmed enthusiastically.

-"Oh" Roxanne said awkwardly. Her reaction troubled me. Why did she do that? Didn't she feel happy that I found someone to share my life with?

-"Please, let's all take a seat" Andros suggested. We were seated while a waiter came to take our orders. I have to say that once the waiter left the atmosphere between us became very awkward so I decided to try to break the ice.

-"You know Andros is from the Crescent Moon pack and works in a similar company like mine."

-"Oh. Crescent Moon pack. Why did you leave your pack?" she wondered.

-"I wanted to travel, see the world and live among people. I was sick of the laws and the ranks and all that stuff that packs have."

-"Oh I see....You disapprove your kind's ways...." Roxanne commented.

-"No, I don't. It's just that living in a pack isn't satisfying for me, that's all."

-"Roxanne I don't like living in a pack either....." I commented trying to stop Roxanne from being so judgmental

-"That's nonsense! We both know very well why you left. You've always loved packs. In fact, you were one of the most dedicated members. Everyone is still talking about your great leadership back home".

-"You talk about her mate Alexander?" Andros asked making Roxanne froze in her spot looking at him in astonishment.

-"He knows?" Roxanne asked me.

-"Of course, I couldn't hide something so important like this" I told her.

-"And...and are you ok with this?" she asked Andros incredulously.

-"Why not? I understand that those two although mates couldn't live and spend their lives together" he said coolly making Roxanne hot under the collar.

-"How thoughtful of you!" Roxanne said sarcastically.

Watching the scene I realized that Roxanne didn't have a positive view towards Andros. So I desperately tried to change the subject of discussion. All my efforts were getting absolutely nowhere until the waiter came with our order. His time couldn't be better!

-"Mmmm everything smells great" I commented and dived into my food. The other two followed my example after throwing angry looks at each other. The situation was very tense. I never expected Roxanne reacting like this, so hostile and disparagingly towards another person. What's got into her? Why did she treat Andros so bad? I made a mental note to ask her when we got home.

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