Chapter 16 - Messed Up

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Elektra's pov:

We turned back and saw Alpha Richard standing with his arms crossed and with a sly smile on his face. He addressed to me and said sarcastically:

-"Well, well, well, this is the mate your father talked about...?"
-"Actually this is Alpha Alexander of the Sil........"I tried to explain. Although I didn't have to, I felt like I had to do it. I felt like I was caught red handed because of the way he spoke to me.
-"I know who he is...." Richard said curtly.
-"I am sorry, but we have to go now..." I commented.
-"What's with the rush?...We are having such a great time....."Richard said sardonically.
-"What do you want Alpha Richard?" Alexander asked in an aggressive way. It was obvious he couldn't stand Richard's ironic behavior......
-"Nothing......absolutely nothing....." he said raising his hands up in the air.
-"Ok then, see you at the meeting" Alexander said curtly, ready to leave.
-"Alpha Alexander, wait a second. I would like to speak with you private"
-"About what?" Alexander questioned.
-"It's kind of personal...." Richard explained.
-"Excuse me Alphas" I said and was about to leave. Alexander grabbed my arm and giving me a wide smile said:
-"See you at the meeting"

I nodded in agreement and smiled back at him. Then I left them alone.

Third person pov:

-"Well, well, well, Alpha Alexander and Elektra ...Who would have thought of it" Richard commented in a sarcastic way.
-"What do you want Richard?" Alexander asked curtly.
-"I need a favor..."
-"A favor? What kind of a favor?"
-"I want you to give me back the omega girl in exchange of my silence"
-"You know I can't do this. The girl is my gamma's mate. No one has the authority to separate mates, not even our Goddess! You know that!"
-"Yeah yeah.....I am aware of the "rules". But think about it. She's just an insignificant omega! I'm sure your Gamma will find someone better and more beautiful than her......" Richard said slyly.
-"It's not our decision to make, Richard." Alexander contradicted.
-"Think about it. You can kill two birds with one stone. First you will save the Gamma of an unworthy mate and second you will manage to keep your relationship with Electra secret"
-"I do not need to keep my relationship a secret from anyone..." Αlexander said proudly.
-"Even from Bartholomew?" Richard asked slyly.
-"I am not afraid of him...if that is what you're implying....."
-"You should....." Richard ommented.
-"I don't see the reason why...." Alexander said arrogantly.
-"Don't be so arrogant child......Think about it.....She's just and omega girl...." Richard said despairingly.
-"An omega girl that means a lot to you apparently......" Alexander commented sarcastically.
-"She doesn't mean anything to me. She is just very good at her job that's all"
-"In this case, I am sure you will be able to find a worthy replacement ..... While I can not say the same about my Gamma. This insignificant omega as you say, is his mate and can not be replaced so simply. Now, if you do not want anything else, I have a very important meeting to attend," Alexander said sternly.
-"I would advise you to reconsider. Bartholomew is a very resentful and persistent man. He always gets what he wants in the end" Richard said imposingly.
-"Not this time" Alexander said curtly and left without looking back.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At the meeting

-"Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the final meeting of all packs. I hope you all had a great time here and that you will give us the opportunity to accomodate you again in the near future! Anyway, the topics of today's discussion are described in the folder in front of you. So if you don't have any further questions let's get started" Alpha Richard foretold and nodded to a man to start.

Then one of the Elders stood up. He looked old but his aura was very imposing. His hair was grey and wore a black suit. He asked for silence with a nod and started with the first subject.

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