A shocking discovery

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Aphrodite was staying a distance from Ben until family so she can break up with him and her father can take her back home. While her men packed her things up secretly she saw the picture of her an Ben and it broke her heart the way he was acting then she felt a bit ill it has been since six weeks since Ben forced himself on her she even missed her week so she had a guard get her a pregnancy test which she took and it scares her because of the chance being pregnant of Ben what if he got the chance for him to get into her dynasty but that was a set back since the two weren't married plus the child could rule over both places but she didn't want her child around him so when she checked the result she gasp

"Oh my rawr." She said whispering

"I can't let them know i just can't..." She got an idea to leave but she couldn't go home cause she's scared of what her parents and her sisters might think so she got on her icoffin and searched anywhere she could go until a placed pop up

"Seabrook? Sounds lovely." She clicked on to location and before she left she wrote a note an mention what happened along with her pregnancy then at night she made her get away.

Her monsterous love story (Descendants X Z-O-M-B-I-E-S)Where stories live. Discover now