Cheer out an trait out

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It was it was time for the Seabrook cheer off and as i look at my self i placed a left earring of Cleo and a right earring of Nefera and the bracelet my father and mother gave me for my birthday

"I won't fail my people."

Wyatt POV 🐾

I had pharaoh with me as we were with Willa and wynter we see Bucky flashing his eyes at something

"What's he doing?" Pharaoh asked me

"Oh his just being crazy." I tell my step son

"Oh." Then we decide to check on what Bucky had

"Now, remember. This priceless thingy is mine! So tell me what it is! Now! Now! Now!"

"So catty. Clearly not raised by wolves."

I bet I'm the first intern to ever hack alien tech. It's a firewall.

"Let me try my moonstone."

It worked. It's a mind probe.

Uh... Bloodthirsty monsters. Always winning!

"Look at all those people thinking of me!"

That's just your mind scan, Bucky. Aw, Wynter. You like cat videos.

'Everyone likes kittens." Then we see

Of course it's me! Dad! My wolf! My manstrous! You go dad! Wyatt you're mine. Dad!

"Daddy look it's me."

Wyatt has a lot of memories of Aphrodite and Pharaoh

"Uh i..." I was clearly embarrassed

"Enough with this mushy stuff! Find out what the aliens are up to."

This is Scout Commander. You must find the most precious thing in Seabrook.

"The aliens lied about their mission!"

"We knew they were shady all along. Who knows what else they're lying to us about? Bucky, alert the Z-Patrol."

"Help! Help! Z-Patrol! We need help!"

"Dad no there not bad people." Pharaoh said but they lied

Aphrodite POV 👑

Okay time to win this! Then i heard the aliens quit so it was time for me and addi to save them


♪ Just trying to figure out who I am ♪

♪ I've felt so stuck
Like I'm caught between worlds ♪

♪ But now I understand ♪

♪ Why I've been feeling like a stranger ♪

♪ In my own life ♪

♪ And I've been blending in for too long ♪

♪ But now is my time to shine ♪

♪ I'm finally me, I'm gonna shout it out ♪

♪ What's lost has now been found
Can't dim this light inside me ♪

Her monsterous love story (Descendants X Z-O-M-B-I-E-S)Where stories live. Discover now