A Jealous Princess

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A guard of mine had pharaoh while i did my cheering

"Go mommy." Pharaoh chants making me smile

"I am so fired up to be running cheer practice. Together, we can do anything." They were hesitant i turn around an see the wolves

"Sorry, but this practice space is for cheerleaders only."

"Ha! Just try and get us to leave."

"Wynter. Some respect."

"No, I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay. Show us what you can do. The cheer team is for everyone. Five, six, seven, eight!" While we practice i see how close Wyatt and Addison were being which upset me after it i began to walk away snapping my fingers so my guards to follow me

"Aphrodite." I heard Wyatt called my name but i kept walking

"Mommy, Mr. Wyatt calling you." My Egyptian prince told me, i turned around an faced him


"Wow what's with you?"

"Me? You furball i thought..... Ugh i like you!" He stayed stunned about my confession

"But your just here for something or should I say my best friend."

"Aphrodite i.."

"Ugh! she's dating zed and you wanna just rip them apart!"

"No i don't i swear Aphrodite please listen."

"Listen to what! How i just started liking someone after what i told you but your just here for a stone and to steal my..." He held me gently and kisses me which was shocking but i melted into the kiss when we part

"I like you too De Nile." That made me smile. Going to my place

"Wow this place is wicked."

"Yes my guards had it done in a day."


"Yes." My guard sets Pharaoh down who walked over to his playpen and started playing with his cubes which fall over which uspet him then i see Wyatt walked over sits in front of my son

"Let me help okay?"

"Okay." Wyatt and Pharaoh started playing making me smile which for an hour i see Wyatt was being like a dad Pharaoh never had I'm happy at least my son can have a decent honest and an actual man in his life than the beast of his actual father

"It's getting late." Pharaoh had fallen asleep on Wyatt

"Sorry Wyatt."

"No it's fine the little guy tired himself out." Wyatt follows me to his room were we lay him down and i covered him up but he wouldn't let go off Wyatt jacket which he took off and leaves it so pharaoh cuddle up with it smiling as we leave him

"Wyatt I'm sorry about your jacket."

"Nah it's cool plus Pharaoh looked wicked with it." I hugged him happily i stared tearing up which when we part he wiped my tears away

"Sorry it's just knowing you for a short while..... I don't know it's like..."

"I known you my entire life." He finished making me smile as we held hands

"Wyatt i..."

"Aphrodite i..." We smiled our face inches close

"Love you." We kissed passionately then part i hugged him happily which he held me close i think i found my other monster.

Her monsterous love story (Descendants X Z-O-M-B-I-E-S)Where stories live. Discover now