Zed for Presidency

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Aphrodite POV 👑

In school with Eliza

"I'm telling you Eliza he was so cute."

"Your still talking about mystery boy. You just meet him yesterday."

"I know but something about him just seems monstrous love."

"Maybe his an mummy too."

"Okay that be horrid in a good way." We laughed then we come upon a bickering nicely zed and Addison

"Ugh, you guys even fight like a perfect couple."

"For real."

"How's it going, Eliza? Aphrodite?"

"You know, fighting injustice is keeping me busy."

"And being me is hard work."

"And looking good doing it, Zom-bae. Mum-bea." We laughed then heard

"Addison! Time to officially nominate me as president." I rolled my eyes whatever

"Cheer could be so much more than just pom-pomming for Bucky."

'Uh, Addison? Aphrodite?" Oh great

"Once we're cheer captain, you both are so off the team."

"And when I'm cheer captain, you'll be welcome to stay, because I'll be making cheer about bringing people together."

"That was awful trash talk."

'I know, right? You will never be cheer captain, freak."

"Okay that's it." I almost pulled out an amulet but Eliza puts it back in my bag

"See ya." When she leaves with them

"I gotta find a way to get us to the Prawn. We can crash it. I mean, we can't make the rules, but we can break 'em."

"Well, we can make the rules! We just need the right leader." So we head off. Then there

"Zed you might thank me for this."

"Huh?" I summer salt to the front podium and land it

"Hello Seabrook high it is i your Egyptian princess Aphrodite De Nile and I'm here to represent my monster side zombie Zed!"

"Zombie strong!" I stepped aside

"Hello, everyone. My name is Zed, and I am running for president." We all clapped for him

"Zed can't steal my spotlight. What about the whole anti-monster thingy?'


'Anyone can run for president, Bucky."

"She actually has a point, Mr. Bucky."


"Yes.' i stuck out my tongue

"A zombie president?"

'Ew!' i clapped for zed

"Okay. If you vote for me, I will bring you prosperity and awesomeness!"

"Zed! Zed! Zed! Zed! Zed! Zed! Zed! Zed!" We chant on

Wyatt POV 🐾

Getting out of our hiding place since the coast was clear

"The Great Alpha's near."

"Focus. Remember, we're fierce, we're savage."

'We're werewolves!'

'That's right, Wynter."

"We're scared of nothing."

'Except silver."

'Yeah, silver."

"And ticks."

"And rabies."

"Come on, if we're quiet, we can be in and out of here before they even know we're here." But someone grab something silver as they passed it along wynter grab it

"Ah, silver! Oh, pain! I can take it. No, I can't!" Then i grab it from the safe part

"No, I can't!"

"Nice grab."

'Come on." And we head off

Aphrodite POV 👑

On stage with Zed

"As your president, I will make Seabrook a place that embraces zombies mummies and..."


"Werewolves?" I asked confused

'Uh, no. Why would we want..." And i saw them

"Werewolves!" They came in

"There she is!' the leader points at Addison

"Football team! Defense, Z 24." They covered her


"Let's go Mighty Shrimp!"

"Where's the moonstone, white hair?"

'I think you've got the wrong person."

'Uh, Eliza? What are you doing?"

"Let's smash our Z-bands and zombie out. We can use our strength to fend them off."

'We can't lose control. We are not monsters." I rolled my eyes

"Our razor sharp claws will gut 'em and splatter their blood." I walked up

"Don't you think that's a bit of an over take." I said

"Too much?"

"Pretty much." I said

"Wolves! On my command!" I crossed my arms walking up to her

"Aphrodite!" Zed called me over but i stood my ground

"Do you guys want me to unleash a pleaged on these pups because I have a new amulet I've been dying to try out." Having it in my hand

"Willa. We can't go to war with the whole town. We'll never find the moonstone if they're on high alert."

'I hate it when you're right. Wolves, stand down." Which they did

"Can you guys also calm down your mummy here."

"Aphrodite put it away." I heard zed say

"Fine." A guard of mine placed it away then my eyes came to match with the wolf boy by the leader which it clicked in my head it was him so i gave him a smile and walked back over to Zed


"Sorry. We werewolves so admire your town, and we just came here to join your school."

"What? They can't join our school."

'Technically the Forbidden Forest is within the school district."

"So, welcome to Seabrook!" Me and Addison said united.

Her monsterous love story (Descendants X Z-O-M-B-I-E-S)Where stories live. Discover now