We Own The Night

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Wyatt POV 🐾

After leaving the beautiful mummified mummy and her son? Which was weird cause she looked to be my age anyways going into the forest back with the poster i got from the zombie girl

"He's back. Wolves!"

"Over here!"

"Come gather!'

'What did you find out?"

"They saw you howling, Willa." I told my sister


"We're exposed. Looks nothing like us, Wyatt. We have way better hair than that. Stop being such a worry-wolf, brother. I only said "awoo"! It's like saying "ciao" or "aloha." Or "I'll rip your throat out." Anyway, who cares what they think? It's a terrible town."

"We have to find the Great Alpha."

"If there even is a Great Alpha."

"Willa, we saw her in the forest. She had the white hair."

"It was probably just the light."

"She's real, and she's going to lead us to the moonstone. And you know we don't have much time. More and more of our pack are getting sick. Our necklaces are almost out of power. We need to find the moonstone."

"And when we do, we can recharge our necklaces and stay wolf strong for another 100 years."

"Okay. Even if the girl is the Great Alpha, how do we find her?"

"I found this in the woods. It's hers."

"We'll track her down with our keen sense of smell."

"Says Seabrook High on it, so I thought we might just look there."

"Ugh! Okay, fine. We find the girl, and if she's the Great Alpha, she'll tell us where the moonstone is hidden."

"We go in the morning."

"We go tonight!"

"Or tonight works."


♪ No one's catching me
unless I want to be caught ♪

♪ I'm dancing
in the shadows ♪

♪ Ain't no leash
when I walk ♪

♪ It's great to feel
invincible ♪

♪ It's great to feel alive ♪

♪ My appetite's insatiable ♪

♪ There's nowhere
it can hide ♪

♪ Our freedom isn't
up to them ♪

♪ It's only up to us! ♪
♪ Us! ♪

♪ I'm the Alpha,
I'm the leader ♪

♪ I'm the one to trust ♪

The wolves
♪ Trust! ♪

♪ Together we do
whatever it takes ♪

Her monsterous love story (Descendants X Z-O-M-B-I-E-S)Where stories live. Discover now