An Alien mini interrogation

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I walked over to an alien who turned around it was a girl

"Hello name Aphrodite so what's the deal?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean i have a six sense to know well when someone is planning something or is on the search for something so spill."

"Uh well uh..."

"Hello Aphrodite is it." I turned around an see the boy that spoke to us A-lan

"Yes De Nile your A-lan know why are you on earth for and this time i want details."

"Why should we?" Said the other alien i smirked

"Cause believe me" i snapped my fingers and my servents gave me a bag i pulled out a jewel

"With this jewel i can make you and the rest of your aliens tell the horrid truth and it gonna be pretty hard for you to look for what your searching for so talk!" They were shocked and A-lan sighed



"Ah ah ah." I had the jewel still in hand

"We need to find their most precious thing here at Seabrook. That's where we'll find our map to Utopia."

"Oh so do you know where it is?" I asked them

"No but please don't say anything we need to find new home." I stayed quiet a bit but nod

"Fine I'll stay quiet for now ta ta." Then walked away

"Wait that's it." Said the girl i turn around with a smirk

"Oh please this is a favor soon you own me."

Her monsterous love story (Descendants X Z-O-M-B-I-E-S)Where stories live. Discover now