The princess watching

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Both unknowning beasts and de Niles were heading to Seabrook.

Wyatt, Aphrodite and pharaoh we're with their friends we're having a practice entrance Mr

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Wyatt, Aphrodite and pharaoh we're with their friends we're having a practice entrance Mr. Wells was more than to hand down Aphrodite to Wyatt as the practice

"Thank you again for doing this Mr. Wells."

"No problem Aphrodite I'm more than honored." She smiled A-lan held her practice vail from the end

" She smiled A-lan held her practice vail from the end

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"Thank you A-lan again."

"With no issues Aphrodite." As Wyatt held her hand

the doors opened Aphrodite looked over and was stunned

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the doors opened Aphrodite looked over and was stunned

"What are you doing here!" She said angrily it was Ben along with the core and his parents which they got their feelings back since they found Aphrodite

"I need to speak with.." but he was cut off when he see humans and monsters blocking his way

"Well well well if it isn't the abuser." Willa growled remembering what Aphrodite told about him

"Yeah you should leave." Said Addison

"I'm not going anywhere until speak to Aphrodite"

"Why?! i don't have anything to say to you!"

"Oh yeah you do! Where my son!" Aphrodite growled angry

"That's none of your business! His not your son!"

"Yeah he is!" He almost stepped up but stepped back when two wolves growled at him

"Get away from my sister in law."

"Sister in law?"

"She's marrying me!" Wyatt stepped up to Ben

"You as if her actual father would let her marry a stangie werewolf" Wyatt growled

"He rather have her marry him than you." They heard everyone turned around an gaps


"Along with..." She made aside in came her parents

"Mommy! Daddy! Cleo!" She ran up and hugged her dad

"My jewel your safe." Then the De Niles noticed Ben and his parents

"Ramsie it's a pleasure to see you again."

"I rather be dug in my tomb what are you doing here?"

"My son came to..."

"Ruin my soon to be wedding which i want them to go away."

"Not until I get to know my ... OW!" Ben felt his hand get bitten hard he see the little boy in front of him snarling at him he saw his hand an sees a bit of blood

"Pharaoh!" Willa picked him up

"Son oh my." Snarled at Ben making him back away

"Your not my dad! Wyatt my dad!"

"No son I'm your dad your actual..."

"You hurt mommy you made her feel pain for royalty." Pharaoh growled in anger, Ben knew his son was telling him the truth

"I'll be soon Pharaoh De Nile Lykensen not beast."


"Your not my DAD!" Pharaoh growled snarled at Ben glaring at him, Ben looked at the monster then at Aphrodite who looked away and at Wyatt who was glaring at Ben making him feel guilty then Wyatt calm donw

"You can stay for the wedding" spoke Wyatt to Ben and the others

"What?!" Everyone said shocked


"Let me finish you can stay for the wedding under watch by the de Nile guards but your parents have to go."

"What? Why?!"

"Because i know for a fact you are no longer trusted along with them so you want to stay your parents must leave now." Ramsie spoke

"Of course sure." Beast speak then their escorted out by the guards of Niles and guards surrounded Ben and the others

"Wait Jane, Audrey, Chad, Doug and you four others." They step up

"You can be trusted."

"Wait why Mal she's evil." Ben said hurting Mal and the core feelings

"Cause not matter normies or monsters should have a chance to know one another unlike someone."

Her monsterous love story (Descendants X Z-O-M-B-I-E-S)Where stories live. Discover now