Mummy meet Werewolf

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After we found Zed i head flicked him for having my son. At the city hall i held my son

"Momma you ain't mad at uncle zed are you?" My baby asked me for a two year old his speech is really up there

"Honey I'm not mad I'm just disappointed in him for having you in harm way my little prince."

"But I'm fine mommy." I sighed softly smiling at him but knew he was right

"Please can I have one? I'm the only zombie in my class. A werewolf friend would be great. I'll feed him and walk him." I think the small zombie is talking about an actual dog

"Yeah, werewolves ain't class pets, Zoey. And they certainly ain't friendly." Um i know very friendly werewolves that would oppose to that.

"Hey you still mummified about pharaoh." Zed asked me

"No I'm not I'm just happy your both safe." I said honestly

"By order of city council, effective immediately, all anti-monster laws are reinstated."

"Oh my rawr that's so not fair." I said we walked over to Addison

"Zed, we need to talk."

"We do. Even though you didn't write, or answer any of my letters."

"No, she wrote. A lot." I said pharaoh grab the bits of shredded papers looking confused

"Mommy is this fetti?"

"Uh no doll."

"The Aceys shredded all of our letters." We looked over at them as they looked at us smudge i rolled my eyes in disappointed then zed kneels down

"Addison. Will you make me the luckiest zombie and be my date to Prawn?"



"Wait what?" I asked confused

"- - Great! No?"

"Everyone's freaking out about werewolves, so the anti-monster laws are in affect again, which means..."

"Zombies can't go to Prawn. Ouch."

"Bucky go away or I'll curse you." I threatened him

"But we're going to fight this, Zed."

"Okay, so that's why you said no?"

"Yeah. Why are you smiling?"

"Because when you said no, I thought you didn't like me anymore. But the only problem here is a bunch of blood-thirsty werewolves. We can so fix that." I groaned annoyed an left walking back home

"Werewolves aren't like that anymore." While walking i see everyone was freaking out which annoyed me

"Mommy froyo froyo." Pharaoh loved his FroYo

"One FroYo coach."

"Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no. We're closed. For good."

"Oh come on coach it's for Pharaoh." Pharaoh pouts

"I'm sorry Aphrodite sorry little guy but Dreams of Fro-Yo success melted away. With monsters everywhere. Look, I like zombies and you Egyptian mommies. They like Fro-Yo. But werewolves like human flesh. Maybe with sprinkles. Everybody likes sprinkles. Just run. High knees, run!" He leaves sighed annoyed

"Mummies?" A guy asked me

"Yes I'm Aphrodite De Nile Egyptian princess and this is my son Pharaoh De Nile and this is lutacrisy monster aren't what they use to be."

"Your the only one that can see that huh?"

"Yeah i did live in the monster world."

"Interesting." We walked

"Well i told you my name and my son's what's yours?"


"Wyatt huh." Then we came across Zoey

"Zoey, come on home. It's not safe out here with these werewolves on the loose." I sighed softly

"Just one sec."

"Hi Zoey."

"Aphrodite. Pharaoh. Hi Have you seen a werewolf? I'm looking for a were-friend." I smiled at her at least she's trying

"Silly kid, there's no such thing as werewolves."

"But we heard it howl."

"Maybe it was a hiker saying, "howl's it going?"

"It was a werewolf. I came face to face with it."

"You did?" He asked me which i nod

"My, what big eyes you have." Said pharaoh which got my interest

"Zoey! Come on." She hugged me and leaves then the boy next to me was gone. I took Pharaoh home in time for his nap.

Her monsterous love story (Descendants X Z-O-M-B-I-E-S)Where stories live. Discover now