A best friend departure

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Wyatt POV 🐾

Let's just say Aphrodite was not talking to me after what i pulled in the cheer tournament

'They're saying the alien ship is damaged. It might not survive a launch."

"It's not totally our fault. We just wanted to stop them from leaving."

"Well, serves them right for lying to us."

"We also lied when we first came here looking for the moonstone."

"Don't you get it? They are stealing from us. They're taking Addison."

"She's choosing to go with them to save her people."

"Well, I don't want her to go."

"No matter how far away she goes, she'll always be a part of our pack, Willa." Then we got an idea

Aphrodite POV 👑

I'm absolutely mad at Wyatt and Willa i mean just the insecurity about the aliens but Me Pharaoh Bree and the cheerleaders went to give Addison one last goodbye

"Think of me when you use them. They're supposed to shake, not me."

"Hmm. I'll miss you, bestie. And mummies."

"Oh, we'll miss you, extra-terestie."

"Bye bye aunty Addi." Pharaoh said upset i held my son gently comforting him but i was upset too Addison and i became like sisters now she's leaving


♪ We are the Mighty Shrimp
Couldn't be prouder ♪


♪ And if you can't hear us
We'll cheer a little louder ♪

Then zed came over

"I don't wanna leave, but the aliens need to find their home."

"Yeah. I know. Which is why I'm coming with you!"


"Uncle zed leaving too?" Pharaoh asked upset starting to tear up

"It is impossible, Zed."

"Only our species is capable of space travel on the Mothership."

"You'd be fried by our stardust energy in a minute."

"I was afraid we would be separated by a couple 100 hundred miles when you went to college."

'Now, we'll be galaxies away.'

Core reactor is shutting down. Emergency systems activated.

"We must leave now."

"Even with our stardust power depleted, we must risk it." Then we heard howls and a honk looking over it was the wolves and Bonzo in a car

"Bonzo! You got your license! Show-off!"

"My rage will not be contained!" Said Ali

"You will not stop us from getting to utopia!"

'We're actually here to help." I smiled lightly that's my manstrous

"You can find an infinite power source to recharge our ship?"

"Wolves! We'll let you borrow the moonstone."

"Thought you might need a jump-start."

'The moonstone is powerful, but it is harmful to our people."

Not if you have an adapter. We just have to filter the moonstone power through our Z-Bands.

"You all would sacrifice to help us?"

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