The truth comes out

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Aphrodite POV 👑

After practice while i held pharaoh next to Addison when all of a sudden we started glowing

"Uh... Help!"

"Help!" We shout then got beamed up

"What is going on?" We see we're in the alien ship

"Whoa." We began to walk around when we felt a present that's when Addison strikes

"Ha, missed me..." But i ended up hitting

"Sorry, reflexes." I said honestly


"What are you doing here?"

"I got beamed up Aphrodite was next to me with pharaoh. What are you doing here?"

"A-spen asked if I could help with my knowledge of Seabrook."

"Aw... Poor thing. They're trying to spend alone time with you." I said

"Alone time? Why? Oh! Oh. Okay, well, I do have universal appeal."

"Hey, be nice. A-spen's new to feelings and human relations."

"Beware. Intruder." We heard and saw Ali, Aspen and Alan

"Addison? Aphrodite? A small boy? Mothership beamed you aboard?"


"We have no choice but to..."

"Vaporize you.'

"Oh my Ra!" I said shocked holding my son

'Welcome you."


"Oh! Right. Welcome you. Sorry." We follow them

This is Scout Commander...

"You have a wonderful home."

I proudly report my mission...

"It is a marvelous ship, but it is not our home."

"Our planet was destroyed by environmental blight built up over many years."

"What? Over years? Didn't anyone try to stop it?"

'No. And we lost everything. No one spoke up."

"That would have led to disagreements. We value harmony. "

"And we will remain one people in harmony at any cost."

"You seem angry."

"I'm not angry. I'm just in harmony in a super hostile way. I need to get off this planet."

"Oh sure your a full bag of Harmony." I said sarcastically

"We need your help. But first..."

"A-spen has great feelings for you."

"Ah, right. About that."

"I've been doing research, Zed. Couples can grow apart."

"But we are not a couple."

"Isn't uncle zed with aunty Addi?" Pharaoh asked me confused but i pat his head

"No, we are not. I am breaking up with you. I am sorry. We do not have tissues aboard, but you can use my sleeve if you must cry." I tried not to laugh


"We'll always have the invasion."

"Okay." I said a bit awkward of what happened

"As you can see, they have mastered the interactions of your species and feels you can both be trusted. Along with the little boy."

"My son pharaoh de Nile."

Her monsterous love story (Descendants X Z-O-M-B-I-E-S)Where stories live. Discover now