Aphrodite and Ben

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Ben and his family were gonna meet with the De Niles the most powerful family in the Egyptian dynasty in the monster world

"Honey are you sure about this?"

"Belle is most important we get on the good side of the De Niles."

"Sweetheart will be fine." Meanwhile with the De Niles

"Daddy their mortals why are you speaking with them anyways." Asked his oldest Nefera

"Because my dear having humans on our side will show the monster we got an more amount of power." As Ramsie watched his five year old princess Aphrodite

playing with her gold doll he adored his little princess with all his heart

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playing with her gold doll he adored his little princess with all his heart. Once the two families got together while the parents spoke Ben see the oldest on an iphone the second oldest Cleo making sure she looked beautiful and then lastly Aphrodite playing with her doll so he walked over

"Hello I'm Ben."

"Hello I'm Aphrodite."

"Can we play together?"

"Okay." The two little played until it was time for Ben to leave. While growing up the two stayed in touch until one day while Ben visited alone

 While growing up the two stayed in touch until one day while Ben visited alone

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"Ben it's good to see you again.'

"You look beautiful as always."

"Oh Ben." Aphrodite blushed while they walked around

"Aphrodite i was wondering?"

"Yes Ben?"

"If with your father permission would you like to transfer to Auradon prep?"

"Oh ben I'd love too."

"And Aphrodite will you be my girlfriend?" That made her smile with joy

"Oh Ben." She hugged him then kissed his cheek

"Yes I'd love to." When Ben leaves she asked her father

"Absolutely not."

"But daddy."

"No my golden jewel a monster in a normies school is not gonna happen."

"Please daddy Ben promise to keep the others at Bay." Her father was hesitant but he sighed

"Fine." Aphrodite smiled hugging her father then goes to pack up her things Nefera hated the fact her small sister was gonna be surrounded by normies

"Sister darling." Nefera cared for Aphrodite being her youngest sister Nefera didnt want her to be hurt or worse

"Yes Nefera?"

"Are you sure you wanna go to a whole normies."

"Nefera I'm sure it'll be just fine."

"I'm just concerned about all those normies."

"I'll be fine and don't worry I'll know who I am I'm Aphrodite De Nile Egyptian princess."

"Perfect." Once at Auradon everyone saw the Egyptian princess

Ben and his parents come over Aphrodite smiled walking over and hugged him happily which he returned when they part

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Ben and his parents come over Aphrodite smiled walking over and hugged him happily which he returned when they part

"Mom Dad Aphrodite and i are dating." Ben parents smiled but for beast and Belle was this as an opportunity for Ben to marry into a dynasty with the most powerful monster an Egyptian princess.

Her monsterous love story (Descendants X Z-O-M-B-I-E-S)Where stories live. Discover now